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ERIC references with an ED number are from ERIC's Resources in Education database and are typically research papers and other monographs. Almost all of these documents are available on microfiche at the ERIC Resource Collections located in over 1000 academic libraries and centers worldwide. Need to find a local ERIC Collection or a local academic library? Look a local provider in the Directory of ERIC Resource Collections.

You can order "ED" documents -- as microfiche, print, fax, or electronic copy --either by phone (800 443-3742; 703 440-1400) or on line, through EDRS (http://edrs.com) or the Wizard (http://ericae.net/scripts/ewiz/). Fax order and other delivery service are available. Cost: $4.08 for 25 pages (Since Jan. 1, 1997). 

ERIC references to journal articles not in your local library can be ordered though interlibrary loan and CARL (http://www.carl.org/). 

Want to contact us?

ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation 

301 405-7449
800 464-3742 (800 Go4-ERIC)
FAX: 301 405-8134 
e-mail feedback3@ericae.net

Other key numbers

ACCESS ERIC-- (800) 538-3742 (800 LET-ERIC), (301) 519-5789 -General number for ERIC resources and questions
ERIC Document Reproduction Service -- (800) 443-3742, (703) 440-1400 -To obtain hard copy and microfiche

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