ERIC Documents Database Citations & Abstracts for Report Cards in Elementary Secondary Education
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ED418415 CS216300
Language Arts Portfolios in the Elementary Classroom.
Shaw, Linda Newcome
75p.; M.A. Thesis, Salem-Teikyo University. Some appended materials
may not be legible.
Document Type: THESIS (042)
Should portfolios replace the traditional report card or be used in
conjunction with other evaluative methods? A study assessed the value
of portfolios as an evaluation tool and the popularity of their use.
Research supports the use of portfolios as a viable means of
assessment, yet studies are inconclusive and do not support
portfolios as a better alternative to other forms of assessment.
This study was conducted in Randolph County, West Virginia, to
determine the assessment methods that are utilized by the elementary
teachers. The advantages and disadvantages of using portfolios in
the evaluative process were revealed. Results from 69 elementary
teacher surveys were utilized. The research results indicated that
the majority of teachers prefer the traditional report card with
letter grades rather than a portfolio approach to student evaluations.
Findings suggest that a combination approach is being used by many
Randolph County elementary teachers and conclude that portfolios
should not replace the report card. To be most effective, portfolio
evaluation should be combined with other assessment methods.
(Contains a 53-item bibliography; a sample teacher survey, a letter
to the district superintendent, and evaluation forms.) (Author/CR)
Descriptors: Academic Records; Elementary Education; *Evaluation
Methods; Evaluation Problems; Evaluation Research; Grades
(Scholastic); *Language Arts; *Portfolio Assessment; *Report Cards;
*Student Evaluation; Teacher Attitudes; Teacher Surveys
Identifiers: Randolph County School District WV
EJ568626 EC619397
Report Card Grading Adaptations for Students with Disabilities:
Types and Acceptability.
Munk, Dennis D.; Bursuck, William D.
Intervention in School and Clinic, v33 n5 p306-08 May
ISSN: 1053-4512
A survey of 368 elementary and secondary regular education teachers
and a survey of 274 high school students with and without
disabilities examined the acceptability of report card grading
adaptations for students with disabilities. Teachers were willing to
make adaptations but students perceived use of individualized
adaptations as unfair. (CR)
Descriptors: *Disabilities; Elementary Secondary Education; High
School Students; Peer Acceptance; *Report Cards; School Surveys;
*Student Attitudes; *Student Evaluation; Student Surveys; *Teacher
Attitudes; Teacher Behavior; Teacher Surveys
Identifiers: *Testing Accommodations (Disabilities)
ED425407 CG028977
Report Cards: Stepping Away from Tradition.
Whittle, Sharon L.
8p.; In: China-U.S. Conference on Education. Collected Papers.
(Beijing, People's Republic of China, July 9-13, 1997); see CG 028 968.
One of the primary aspects of a reporting system is to maintain
consistency between what is taught, what is tested, and what is
reported to parents. This paper explores one school district's
experience in changing how student progress is reported to parents
for the elementary division from kindergarten to grade five. Over
the last decade, what was being taught was not reflected on the
report card. The change process and the new report design are both
presented. A committee was formed which included teachers, parents,
and administrators. A time line was established. The committee
reviewed relevant literature and examined report cards from other
school districts. The first year included the steps of exploration
of ideas, developing common themes, a reporting system philosophy and
beliefs, and developing skill areas for the progress report. During
the second year, an initial design was created, debated, and tested.
Parent meetings were held to explain the new format. Many teacher
team meetings were used to refine ideas. After the first
distribution of the new design, a survey was taken of parents and
teachers. Additional revisions were made in the third year; and
surveys indicate positive reactions and general satisfaction.
Descriptors: Change Strategies; Elementary Education; Public
Schools; *Report Cards; *Student Evaluation
EJ544245 EA533266
Questionnaire Design for Strategic Planning Surveys.
McNamara, James F.
International Journal of Educational Reform, v6 n1 p105-16 Jan
ISSN: 1056-7879
Shares some high-yield questionnaire items that school
practitioners can use to design strategic-planning surveys to be
conducted at the start of a five-year planning cycle. Recommends two
basic types of quantitative questionnaire items focused on program
evaluation and needs assessment. Recommends three qualitative
questionnaire items allowing respondents to offer more personal
information about accomplishments. (12 references) (MLH)
Descriptors: *Design Requirements; Elementary Secondary Education;
*Questionnaires; *Report Cards; *Strategic Planning; *Surveys
ED408582 CS215849
Writing Effective Report Card Comments.
Shafer, Susan
ISBN: 0-590-06882-2
Available From: Scholastic, Inc., 2931 East McCarty Street,
Jefferson City, MO 65102 ($8.95).
Document Type: BOOK (010); NON-CLASSROOM MATERIAL (055)
Target Audience: Practitioners; Teachers
This book offers time-saving tips from teachers on writing
effective report card comments. The book presents the best
strategies, tips, and lists of useful phrases that encourage children
and lists words to avoid. It is a resource that will allow teachers
to collect assessment information easily and to describe students'
performances clearly and constructively. The book also gives concise
advice on how to prompt parents to support learning at home.
Following an introduction, the book's chapters are: (1) Report Cards
in the Assessment Process; (2) Teachers' Philosophies about Teaching
and Kids; (3) Methods for Assessing Students; (4) Tips for Writing
Report Card Narratives; (5) Words and Phrases That Work; (6) What Do
Parents Want?; (7) Strategies for Resolving Possible Problems; and
(8) Guidelines, Formats, Schedules, and Tips. Contains a
bibliography. (CR)
Descriptors: Academic Achievement; *Academic Records; *Achievement
Rating; Audience Awareness; Elementary Secondary Education; Grades
(Scholastic); Parent Teacher Cooperation; *Report Cards; *Student
Evaluation; *Teacher Response; Teacher Responsibility; Teacher Role;
Teacher Student Relationship
Identifiers: *Writing Contexts
EJ535706 EA532813
Grades: The Final Frontier in Assessment Reform.
Cizek, Gregory J.
NASSP Bulletin, v80 n584 p103-10 Dec 1996
ISSN: 0192-6365
Lack of knowledge and interest in grading translates into a serious
information breakdown in education. Reforming classroom assessment
and grading practices will require educators' commitment to
professional development, classroom-relevant training programs, help
from professional organizations and testing experts, a coordinated
vision, consistently developed and applied policies, teacher
collaboration, and revamped student attitudes toward grades. (13
references) (MLH)
Descriptors: *Change Strategies; *Grading; *Professional
Development; *Report Cards; Secondary Education; *Student Evaluation;
*Teacher Responsibility
EJ519715 EA531662
So Johnny's Been Bad. What Else Is New?
Watson, Dan; Rangel, Lyle
Principal, v75 n4 p27-28 Mar 1996
ISSN: 0271-6062
When parent-teacher conferences don't improve a problem student's
behavior, a systematic change strategy is needed. Daily report cards
are effective if they divide the day into segments, provide
evaluations for each segment, feature increasingly demanding goals,
provide parent reinforcement, use mild punishment, and accrue
reinforcement rewards. A sidebar discusses medication issues. (MLH)
Descriptors: Attention Deficit Disorders; *Behavior Modification;
*Behavior Problems; Change Strategies; *Classroom Techniques;
*Discipline; Elementary Education; Parent Education; *Parent Teacher
Cooperation; Positive Reinforcement; Punishment; *Report Cards
Identifiers: Medications
EJ517915 EC612752
Report Card Grading and Adaptations: A National Survey of Classroom
Bursuck, William; And Others
Exceptional Children, v62 n4 p301-18 Feb 1996
ISSN: 0014-4029
A national survey of elementary and secondary general education
teachers (n=368, response rate of 52%) examined classroom grading
practices, including grading adaptations for students with
disabilities. Results indicated that teachers found certain
adaptations (pass-fail grades, portfolios, multiple grades, and
grading for effort) useful for students both with and without
disabilities. (DB)
Descriptors: Classroom Techniques; *Disabilities; Educational
Practices; Elementary Secondary Education; Evaluation Methods;
*Grading; Inclusive Schools; National Surveys; *Report Cards;
*Student Evaluation; *Teacher Attitudes
Identifiers: *Academic Accommodations (Disabilities)
ED405358 TM026194
Bibliography of Assessment Alternatives: Grading. Innovative Assessment.
Northwest Regional Educational Lab., Portland, OR. Test Center.
Sep 1996
Sponsoring Agency: Office of Educational Research and Improvement
(ED), Washington, DC.
Document Type: BIBLIOGRAPHY (131)
This bibliography includes papers about grading and reporting,
sample report card formats, training materials on grading and
reporting, and first-person narratives from educators who have tried
to reform the ways they grade students. The first section of this
annotated bibliography is a listing of the articles in alphabetical
order by primary author, and the second section is an index using
content descriptors developed for the paper. Items in this
bibliography may be borrowed free of charge in Alaska, Idaho,
Montana, Oregon, and Washington. Users in other states are charged a
handling fee. A shelf number is listed at the end of each annotation.
Contains 50 annotated references. (SLD)
Descriptors: Annotated Bibliographies; *Educational Assessment;
Elementary Secondary Education; Grades (Scholastic); *Grading; Higher
Education; *Report Cards; *Scoring; *Student Evaluation; *Training
Identifiers: United States (Northwest)
EJ527448 EA530069
Implementing a New Elementary Progress Report.
Clarridge, Pamela Brown; Whitaker, Elizabeth M.
Educational Leadership, v52 n2 p7-9 Oct 1994
ISSN: 0013-1784
Dissatisfied with the mismatch between letter grades and their new
(state-mandated) curricular emphases, the Tucson (Arizona) Public
Schools began experimenting with rubric descriptions of student
progress. The prototype progress report assesses students in two
general categories: learner qualities and content areas. Frequent
communication with parents hastened the system's acceptance. (MLH)
Descriptors: Elementary Education; *Grading; Pilot Projects;
Program Descriptions; *Report Cards; *Student Evaluation; *Teacher
Expectations of Students
Identifiers: *Performance Assessment; *Performance Based Evaluation;
Tucson Public Schools AZ
EJ488813 SP523449
The Use of a Daily Report Card to Address Children's School Behavior
Long, Nicholas; Edwards, Mark
Contemporary Education, v65 n3 p152-55 Apr 1994
Theme issue title: "Problem Students."
ISSN: 0010-7476
A structured daily report card program can provide more consistent
and efficient feedback on students with behavior problems than
traditional approaches. The article details specific steps in
designing a daily report card intervention, emphasizing how parents
and teachers must work cooperatively to create and implement the
intervention. (SM)
Descriptors: *Behavior Modification; *Classroom Techniques;
Discipline; Elementary Education; *Parent Teacher Cooperation;
Program Development; *Report Cards; *Student Behavior; Student
ED377241 TM022503
Student-Led Portfolio Conferences.
Paulson, F. Leon; Paulson, Pearl R.
Aug 1994
In at least one Oregon school system, student-led conferences have
begun to replace traditional report cards. When conferences are well
done, parents believe they have learned more about their child's
learning and progress than they would through a traditional report
card. There is an important additional benefit in that students can
rise to the occasion and take charge of their own learning in
important ways. A successful student-led conference is the
culmination of careful planning and preparation that involves
explaining the concept to teachers, students, and parents. The
experience of the Touchstone Learning Center in Lake Oswego (Oregon)
illustrates the successful use of student-led conferences at the
kindergarten level, with student groups rotating through stations
demonstrating activities and materials. Experiences of other Oregon
schools demonstrate that the conferences are not difficult to manage,
and that they have beneficial motivational impact on students, who
are eager to present their portfolios to parents and to other
interested people. Appendixes present an organizing chart and a
description of portfolio activities for seventh graders. (Contains 7
references.) (SLD)
Descriptors: *Academic Achievement; *Educational Assessment;
Elementary Secondary Education; Parent Child Relationship; *Parent
Teacher Conferences; *Portfolio Assessment; Portfolios (Background
Materials); *Report Cards; Student Evaluation; Student Motivation
Identifiers: Oregon; *Performance Based Evaluation; *Student Led Activities
ED375111 SP035488
Helping Professionals Take Control of Assessment: An Exploratory
Study of Recording and Reporting Achievement in New Zealand Schools.
Faire, Mary
Jul 1994
8p.; Paper presented at the Conference of the Australian Teacher
Education Association (24th, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, July 5, 1994).
This study examined teachers' recording and reporting practices in
conjunction with the recently published New Zealand Curriculum
Framework (NZCF), which requires teachers to report the achievement
of students in curriculum strands. Teachers from 10 primary,
intermediate, and secondary schools examined existing practices and
worked to develop innovative approaches consistent with the NZCF.
Findings revealed a trend for schools to be individual in designing
new methods for recording and reporting. While it was feasible for
schools in some geographical areas to coordinate their recording and
reporting practices, for others it was not. Success in achieving
consistency with the NZCF was dependent upon the involvement and
leadership of the school principal or curriculum leader; teachers'
knowledge of the new curricula; and available resources of time,
finances, and personnel. There was a great deal of effort devoted to
involving students in the recording process, to enhance student
motivation and learning. There was widespread criticism of the
national system for recording achievement in primary schools.
Teacher development was a major outcome of the study, as teachers
were researchers in the project and "owned" the changes that took
place and because the study provided professional development
opportunities. (JDD)
Descriptors: Academic Records; *Achievement Rating; *Compliance
(Legal); Educational Change; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign
Countries; Government School Relationship; Inservice Teacher
Education; *National Curriculum; Postsecondary Education;
Professional Development; *Report Cards; Student Evaluation; Student Records
Identifiers: *National Qualifications Framework (New Zealand)
EJ469409 PS520831
Writing Language Arts Report Cards: Eleven Teachers' Conflicts of
Knowing and Communicating.
Afferbach, Peter P.; Johnston, Peter H.
Elementary School Journal, v94 n1 p73-86 Sep 1993
ISSN: 0013-5984
Analyzed think-aloud protocols of elementary teachers as they
composed language arts report cards. Found that teachers wrote
report cards for specific purposes (to motivate, inform, change
behavior, etc.) and audiences (students, parents, teachers,
administrators), and that these considerations influenced the
information included on the report card. (MM)
Descriptors: *Audience Awareness; Elementary Education; *
Elementary School Teachers; Evaluation Problems; *Language Arts;
*Protocol Analysis; *Report Cards; Student Evaluation; *Teacher
EJ469390 PS520812
One on One.
Boyd, Lanita Bradley
Teaching Pre K-8, v24 n2 p60-61 Oct 1993
ISSN: 0891-4588
Emphasizes the importance of report card conferences, in which the
teacher discusses with each student his or her performance during the
marking period. Such conferences can help (1) eliminate
misunderstandings between parents and teachers that result from
students' confusion about their grades; (2) boost student morale; and
(3) create a better student-teacher relationship. (MDM)
Descriptors: *Conferences; Elementary Education; Elementary School
Students; Elementary School Teachers; Grades (Scholastic); Morale;
*Report Cards; Self Esteem; *Teacher Student Relationship
EJ459287 CS745013
Report Cards and Reading.
Afflerbach, Peter
Reading Teacher, v46 n6 p458-65 Mar 1993
ISSN: 0034-0561
Document Type: JOURNAL ARTICLE (080); POSITION PAPER (120)
Asserts that the means by which student achievement in reading are
reported should be a focus rather than an afterthought. Discusses
key questions related to developing report cards that serve a variety
of audiences. Provides guidance and models of report cards that are
more closely aligned with the literacy curriculum than traditional
report cards. (PRA)
Descriptors: *Audience Awareness; Elementary Education; Reading
Achievement; *Report Cards; *Student Evaluation
EJ454870 PS519830
ERIC/EECE Report: Reporting to Parents.
Goins, Brad
Childhood Education, v69 n1 p56-57 Fall 1992
ISSN: 0009-4056
Fifteen recent documents and journal articles from the ERIC
database concerning reporting to parents are summarized. The
documents and articles cover topics which include student portfolios,
theme-based curriculum, writing and math assessment, parent-teacher
conferences, and a national survey of report card entries. (LB)
Descriptors: Communication (Thought Transfer); Early Childhood
Education; Elementary Education; Evaluation Methods; *Parent Teacher
Conferences; *Parent Teacher Cooperation; *Portfolios (Background
Materials); *Report Cards; *Student Records
Identifiers: *Portfolio Approach
ED340146 EA023821
America 2000 Communities: Getting Started.
Department of Education, Washington, DC. Jan 1992
55p.; For more information, call 1-800-USA-LEARN (1-800-872-5327);
in the Washington metropolitan area: 401-2000.
Target Audience: Community
This booklet is intended to be a guide for local communities
concerning the six National Education Goals articulated in 1990 on
how to become an "America 2000 Community" in the context of that
program. There are four principal criteria for an America 2000
Community: (1) Adopt the six National Education Goals; (2) Develop a
community-wide strategy to meet them; (3) Design a report card to
measure progress; (4) Plan for and support a "New American School."
The booklet walks the reader through the National Education Goals,
providing guidance on how to get started, tips for assembling a
successful steering committee, and how to be designated an America
2000 Community. The emphasis is on local action. Throughout the
booklet there are quotations and sidebars providing advice from
participants and coalitions around the country. (WTB)
Descriptors: Community Action; *Community Involvement; Elementary
Secondary Education; *National Programs; Preschool Education; *Report
Cards; *School Community Relationship
Identifiers: *America 2000; *National Education Goals 1990; *New
American Schools
EJ448360 CS743909
Report Cards: What Do They Mean during the Elementary School Years.
Mehring, Teresa; And Others
Reading Improvement, v28 n3 p162-68 Fall 1991
ISSN: 0034-0510
Examines the consistency of grade assignment by elementary
personnel, finding wide variations. Shows greater consistency in
assigning grades after training. (SR)
Descriptors: Educational Research; Elementary Education; *
Elementary School Teachers; *Grading; *Report Cards
ED343107 CS010882
Report Cards in Literacy Evaluation: Teachers' Training, Practices,
and Values.
Afflerbach, Peter; Sammons, Rebecca Bell
Dec 1991
18p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Reading
Conference (41st, Palm Springs, CA, December 3-7, 1991).
Document Type: CONFERENCE PAPER (150)
A study examined teachers' training, practices, and values for
using the report card to communicate their knowledge of students'
literacy achievement. Subjects, 48 elementary, middle, secondary,
and college preparatory teachers from 10 school districts in 5
states, completed a questionnaire designed to elicit teachers'
perspectives on the report cards they used for literacy assessment.
Results indicated that: (1) few teachers reported receiving any
training to write report cards; (2) few were involved in the
development of the report cards they were required to use; (3)
teachers reported writing report cards for a wide variety of purposes
and audiences; and (4) the more the report card accommodated
teachers' knowledge, the more it was valued. Findings suggest that
it may be difficult or impossible to build the ideal report card,
within or across schools and districts. (Two tables of data are
included; the questionnaire is attached.) (RS)
Descriptors: Educational Research; Elementary Secondary Education;
*Grading; Literacy; *Report Cards; *Student Evaluation; *Teacher
Attitudes; *Teacher Education
Identifiers: Maryland; Massachusetts; Michigan; New York; Training
Needs; Wisconsin
ED330083 EA022806
Responsive Education in the Middle Grades: Teacher Teams, Advisory
Groups, Remedial Instruction, School Transition Programs, and Report
Card Entries. Report No. 46.
Mac Iver, Douglas J.; Epstein, Joyce L.
Center for Research on Elementary and Middle Schools, Baltimore,
MD. Feb 1990
48p.; Some tables may not reproduce adequately in paper copy.
Sponsoring Agency: Office of Educational Research and Improvement
(ED), Washington, DC.
Document Type: RESEARCH REPORT (143)
Target Audience: Policymakers; Practitioners
This document analyzes data obtained from "Education in the Middle
Grades," a national survey of practices and trends using a
representative sample of principals in public schools that contain
grade 7, to examine the use and effects of practices that many
educators believe are especially responsive to the needs of early
adolescents. Practices examined include: (1) group advisory periods;
(2) interdisciplinary teacher teams; (3) remedial instruction
programs; (4) "school transition" activities; and (5) the formal
recognition on report cards of student progress or effort regardless
of performance level. The results indicate that most responsive
practices yield measurable but modest benefits, but they also suggest
that to realize the benefits, a school must make sure that the
practices are implemented properly. A discussion of problems that
might be encountered and of approaches that might be used by schools
that contemplate adopting a responsive practices structure for the
middle grades concludes the document. Variables used in the
regression analysis and seven tables are appended. (19 references) (CLA)
Descriptors: Educational Improvement; *Educational Practices;
Educational Trends; Elementary Secondary Education; Grade 7;
Interdisciplinary Approach; Junior High Schools; *Middle Schools;
*Public Schools; *Remedial Programs; *Report Cards; Student School
Relationship; *Team Teaching; Transitional Programs
ED324124 PS019096
A National Description of Report Card Entries in the Middle Grades.
Report No. 9.
Mac Iver, Douglas J.
Center for Research on Effective Schooling for Disadvantaged
Students, Baltimore, MD. Jul 1990
Sponsoring Agency: Office of Educational Research and Improvement
(ED), Washington, DC.
Document Type: RESEARCH REPORT (143)
This study uses data from a national survey of principals of public
schools with a 7th grade to document and analyze the variation in the
types of marks and evaluations included on report cards issued to
young adolescents in the United States. The analyses examine the
prevalence of report card entries of various types and the
antecedents and consequences of using specific types of entries.
Principals report that performance grades are widespread, handwritten
comments and conduct grades are common, and progress and effort
grades are rare. Although grade span, region, size of grade
enrollment, and urbanicity have some important connections to report
card practices, there is considerable variation in practices among
schools with similar grade spans, locations, or grade enrollments.
Use of progress grades or handwritten comments on report cards is
significantly associated with middle grades principals' reports of
lower retention rates, lower projected dropout rates for males, and
more successful middle grades programs. It is suggested that the
actual benefits to students when they receive comments on each report
card from each teacher are probably greater than the average benefits
reported here. (Author/RH)
Descriptors: *Dropout Rate; *Educational Practices; Enrollment;
Geographic Regions; Grade 7; *Grade Repetition; Intermediate Grades;
Junior High Schools; *Middle Schools; National Surveys; *Report Cards;
School Organization; Student Characteristics; Urban Areas
EJ378767 EA522634
Pain Relief: Make Consistency the Cornerstone of Your Policy on
Anderson, Kenneth E.; Wendel, Frederick C.
American School Board Journal, v175 n10 p36-37 Oct
An effective school board policy on grading needs to include the
following six components: (1) philosophy; (2) definition of terms;
(3) line of responsibility; (4) legal review; (5) academic
achievement and behavioral skills reported separately; and (6) policy
review. (MLF)
Descriptors: *Academic Achievement; Administrator Guides; *Board of
Education Policy; Elementary Secondary Education; *Grades
(Scholastic); *Grading; *Report Cards
EJ370266 EA522192
The Grading System: Does an "A" Really Equal Learning?
Haley, Beverly
NASSP Bulletin, v72 n507 p35-41 Apr 1988
Good grades on a report card do not necessarily mean the material
has been comprehended. This article examines the relative worth of
grades; extra credit assignments; categorizing students into A, B, or
C boxes; and the role of parental pressures for higher grades.
Grading systems should be subordinate to true learning motivation. (MLH)
Descriptors: Expectation; *Failure; *Grades (Scholastic); *Labeling
(of Persons); *Learning Motivation; *Parent Role; *Report Cards;
Secondary Education
Identifiers: *Extra Credit
EJ345513 EC191168
"The Daily Report Card."
Fairchild, Thomas N.
Teaching Exceptional Children, v19 n2 p72-73 Win 1987
Target Audience: Teachers; Practitioners
Teachers can foster open communication and parental involvement
through use of a daily reportcard system for students with academic
or behavior problems. Suggestions are provided for: gathering
baseline data; identifying areas of concern; designing the report
format; selecting reinforcers; conducting student conferences;
implementing the system; following up; and phasing out. (CB)
Descriptors: Academic Achievement; *Behavior Problems; Elementary
Secondary Education; *Feedback; *Learning Problems; Parent
Participation; Parent Teacher Cooperation; *Report Cards; Student
Behavior; *Student Improvement; Student Motivation
Identifiers: *Daily Production Reports
EJ282652 EC152058
Assigning Report Card Grades to the Mainstreamed Child.
Cohen, Sandra B.
Teaching Exceptional Children, v15 n2 p86-89 Win 1983
Available From: Reprint: UMI
Document Type: JOURNAL ARTICLE (080); POSITION PAPER (120)
Problems involved in grading mainstreamed students are examined,
and solutions are suggested, including communication between regular
class and resource teachers, use of a combination of corrective
feedback and quantitative scores, use of individualized education
program performance objectives, and emphasis on intra-individual
assessment. (CL)
Descriptors: *Disabilities; Elementary Secondary Education;
*Feedback; *Grading; *Mainstreaming; *Report Cards; Student Evaluation
EJ279577 EA516397
Missiles, Marks, and the Middle Level Student.
Vars, Gordon F.
NASSP Bulletin, v67 n463 p72-77 May 1983
An essential element of middle schools is a student evaluation
procedure compatible with students' needs. The key features of such
a marking and reporting system are outlined. (MLF)
Descriptors: Educational Environment; *Grades (Scholastic);
Intermediate Grades; *Middle Schools; *Nongraded Student Evaluation;
*Report Cards; *Student Needs; *Student School Relationship
ED250787 EA017294
How Parents Find Out about Student Progress.
Perkins, Jannine; Buchanan, Aaron
Southwest Regional Laboratory for Educational Research and
Development, Los Alamitos, Calif. 31 Jan 1983
Document Type: RESEARCH REPORT (143)
Target Audience: Researchers
To find out what kinds of information parents regularly get from
schools on the progress of their children, the Southwest Regional
Laboratory surveyed a sample of public school districts in
California, Arizona, and Nevada. Responses were received from 18
school districts ranging in size from fewer than 300 students to more
than half a million. The information received indicates that school
districts rely heavily on the traditional report card as their
primary tool for student/parent communication, unless the student has
special problems or the parents choose to take advantage of scheduled
conferences. Results of the inquiry are arranged according to three
different types of parent report: regular report cards, other types
of reporting, and parent-teacher conferences. Under the section on
report cards, a breakdown is provided of evaluation formats (letter
grades, numeric marks, and threefold designations), and social
development/growth or citizenship evaluation marks. Other types of
reporting include results of statewide or districtwide standardized
tests and reports of pupil progress. Parent-teacher conferences
range from formal and regularly scheduled events based on specified
topics to informal, random visits. Finally, the uses of special
letters or communications are briefly noted. (TE)
Descriptors: Academic Records; Achievement Rating; Behavior Rating
Scales; Educational Testing; Elementary Secondary Education; Grades
(Scholastic); *Grading; *Parent School Relationship; Parent Teacher
Conferences; *Report Cards; *Student Evaluation; *Student Records; Surveys
Identifiers: Arizona; California; Nevada; United States (Southwest)
ED241166 PS014211
An Initial Classification of Noncognitive Student Behavior Grading
Hevern, Vincent W.; Geisinger, Kurt F.
Aug 1983
43p.; Funded by a grant from the Graduate Studies Fund of the New
York Province of the Society of Jesus.
Target Audience: Researchers
Report-card marking items by which elementary school students'
noncognitive classroom behaviors are graded were studied to establish
a preliminary classification of behavioral assessment domains. Two
studies were conducted. The first study employed a cluster-analytic
approach to a pool of 136 noncognitive behavior-marking items that
had been sorted and grouped into homogeneous sets by 16 psychologists
and educators. In the second study, a total of 59 elementary school
teachers rated a 32-item subset of the larger marking item pool on
three scales. Specifically assessed were the degree to which items
reflected (1) classroom or task-oriented adaptiveness, (2)
interpersonal relationships and skills, and (3) personal adjustment
and psychological self-concept. Cluster-analytic and analysis of
variance results suggested a general dichotomy in the classification
of items: quality of task orientation versus quality of interpersonal
relational skills. Disagreement was found between the participants
of the two studies in their classification of items dealing with
students' self-regulatory behavior and acceptance or practice of
normative patterns of socialized conduct. (Areas for further
empirical study are discussed.) (Author/RH)
Descriptors: *Classification; Elementary School Teachers;
Elementary Secondary Education; *Grading; Graduate Students; *Report
Cards; Secondary School Teachers; *Student Behavior
Identifiers: *Noncognitive Classroom Behaviors
ED254328 PS014946
Teachers, Parents, and the School: A Collection of Essays.
Ediger, Marlow
14p.; Document may not reproduce well.
Target Audience: Parents; Teachers; Practitioners
The four essays in this collection provide guidelines for parents
and teachers in educating children. The first essay, "Parents, the
Pupil, and the School Curriculum," describes selected ways parents
may help pupils to achieve in the school curriculum. "Objectives of
the School, the Pupil, and Parents" discusses the need for teachers
to plan educational objectives that include problem-solving skills,
creative thinking, critical thinking, and the ability to get along
well with others as well as to understand the subject matter.
"Parent-Teacher Conferences and the Child" focuses on what questions
parents might wish to ask about their child in a parent-teacher
conference. The final essay, "Report Cards, the Student, and
Parents," discusses the different possible interpretations of grades,
the advantages and disadvantages to schools of issuing report cards,
and the benefits of using parent-teacher conferences instead of
report cards. (CB)
Descriptors: *Academic Achievement; Curriculum Development;
*Educational Objectives; Educational Planning; Elementary Secondary
Education; Grades (Scholastic); Guidelines; Parent Education; *Parent
Responsibility; Parent Role; *Parent Student Relationship; *Parent
Teacher Conferences; *Report Cards; Teacher Role
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