ERIC Documents Database Citations & Abstracts for Meta Evaluation in Educational Program Evaluation
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ED422401 TM028963
Evaluating the Evaluators: The External Evaluator's Perspective.
Hansen, Joe B.
13p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Educational Research Association (San Diego, CA, April 13-17, 1998).
The question of who evaluates the evaluators is explored through
the experiences of an external evaluation team. Some have called
evaluating evaluators and their work evaluation auditing, but it
could also be viewed as a form of meta-evaluation. At the request of
the Director of Research and Evaluation for the "ESU 18" (named for a
county administrative unit) evaluation team in Lincoln (Nebraska),
three directors of research and evaluation in other school districts
(DREs) formed an external visitation team (EVT) to conduct a meta-
evaluation of the Evaluation Team of the initiative (ET). The ET has
a unique relationship to the Lincoln Public Schools because it is
housed in the same building but is administratively separate,
reporting to a county administrative unit. This gives the ET the
advantage of being independent, and less subject to pressure to
conduct evaluations that create positive public relations for the
school district. By the same token, their independence lends
credibility to their studies and reports. Challenges exist, at least
theoretically, in that the program staff members who receive the
evaluations are under little obligation to pay attention to them.
This results in a need for the ET to work closely with school
district staff to demonstrate the value of their contribution to
instruction program quality. This they have accomplished admirably.
The Lincoln Public School staff viewed the ESU18 evaluators as
intelligent, thoughtful, creative problem solvers and facilitators.
These evaluators were seen as adding value to the educational system.
Results also show that using the EVT to conduct an evaluation of the
evaluators is both viable and useful. (SLD)
Descriptors: Educational Change; Elementary Secondary Education;
*Evaluation Methods; *Evaluators; *Program Evaluation; *School
Identifiers: External Evaluation; *Lincoln Public Schools NE; *Meta
EJ554815 TM520659
Evaluating Evaluation in the European Commission.
Levy, Roger P.
Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation/La Revue canadienne
d'evaluation de programme, v12 n1 p1-18 Sum 1997
ISSN: 0834-1516
In recent years, the European Commission has undertaken a number of
initiatives to improve evaluation in the European Union. This
article reviews these initiatives and focuses on the work of the
Commission's evaluation study group. The future of evaluation in the
Commission is discussed in the context of management of change. (SLD)
Descriptors: *Administration; *Change; *Evaluation Methods;
Evaluation Utilization; Foreign Countries; *Program Evaluation;
*Research Methodology
Identifiers: *European Communities Commission; European Union
ED403314 TM026049
The Development, Validation, and Applicability of "The Program
Evaluation Standards: How To Assess Evaluations of Educational
Gould, R. Bruce; And Others
Aug 1995
Document Type: EVALUATIVE REPORT (142)
The work done by the Validation Panel that was commissioned by the
Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation (Joint
Committee) to monitor the development of "The Program Evaluation
Standards: How To Assess Evaluations of Educational Programs" is
described, and its conclusions summarized. This report focuses on
the development process, the assumptions underlying the effort, and
the applicability of the "Standards" in different contexts. Revision
of the "Standards" had begun at the Joint Committee's 1990 meeting.
An early decision was made to include a standard for meta-evaluation
that required that the evaluation itself be formatively and
summatively evaluated. True to this new standard, the Joint
Committee commissioned a Validation Panel to perform that meta-
evaluation function during the development of the revised
"Standards." The developed "Standards" consist of 30 specific
standards grouped into categories of utility, feasibility, propriety,
and accuracy. Although no explicit statements of guiding assumptions
are included in the "Standards," a number of implicit assumptions
center on the need for educational program evaluation standards and
the possibility of agreement about such standards. Representatives
of the 15 organizations that comprise the Joint Committee considered
the results of expert commentary, testimony at public hearings, and
field tests in approving the development process. The position is
taken that the development of the "Standards" was very systematic and
open, and likely resulted in a set of standards that represent the
state of the art in educational program evaluation. (Contains nine
references.) (SLD)
Descriptors: *Evaluation Methods; Formative Evaluation; Program
Development; *Program Evaluation; *Standards; Summative Evaluation;
*Test Construction
Identifiers: *Joint Committee on Standards for Educ Evaluation
EJ483679 IR528585
Assessing the Quality of Training Evaluation Studies.
Basarab, David J., Sr.
Performance and Instruction, v33 n3 p19-22 Mar 1994
ISSN: 0884-1985-AE
Outlines a procedure which training professionals and business
managers can use to assess the effectiveness of their corporate
evaluation studies. Meta-evaluation is explained; and phases in the
training evaluation process, including plan, develop, obtain,
analyze, and report, are described based on experiences at Motorola.
(Contains two references.) (LRW)
Descriptors: Audience Analysis; *Evaluation Methods; *Evaluation
Research; *Industrial Training; *Training Methods
Identifiers: Motorola Inc
EJ498468 TM518493
Assessing Highly Accomplished Teaching: Developing a Metaevaluation
Criteria Framework for Performance-Assessment Systems for National
Certification of Teachers.
Nyirenda, Stanley
Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education, v8 n3 p313-27 Oct
ISSN: 0920-525X
This article attempts to outline the issues and to describe the
process of developing a metaevaluation framework for assessing the
quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of the performance-assessment
instruments being created by the National Board for Professional
Teaching Standards. The metaevaluation framework consists of a set
of evaluation criteria and guidelines. (SLD)
Descriptors: *Criteria; *Educational Assessment; Evaluation
Utilization; *Guides; Instructional Effectiveness; *Licensing
Examinations (Professions); Standards; Teacher Certification;
*Teacher Evaluation; Test Construction
Identifiers: *Meta Evaluation; National Board for Professional
Teaching Standards; *Performance Based Evaluation
EJ485739 TM517937
Meta-Evaluation of School Evaluation Models.
Gallegos, Arnold
Studies in Educational Evaluation, v20 n1 p41-54 1994
Theme issue titled "Special Issue on CREATE's Work in Educational
ISSN: 0191-491X
The Center for Research on Educational Accountability and Teacher
Evaluation (CREATE) completed a meta-evaluation of school evaluation
models in 1992. The procedures, categories, standards, and criteria
of this study, which reviewed 51 models, are described. The results
of the study, which reflect broadened dimensions of school
evaluation, are summarized. (SLD)
Descriptors: Accountability; Classification; Criteria; *Educational
Research; Elementary Secondary Education; *Evaluation Methods; *Meta
Analysis; *Models; Program Evaluation
Identifiers: *Center Res Educational Accountability Teacher Eval;
CREATE Program
ED358648 EC302212
Special Education Program Evaluation: A Planning Guide. An
Overview. CASE Commissioned Series.
McLaughlin, John A.
Council of Administrators of Special Education, Inc.; Indiana
Univ., Bloomington. May 1988
Available From: CASE Research Committee, Indiana University, School
of Education, Smith Research Center-100A, 2805 E. 10th St.,
Bloomington, IN 47405 (Order No. PES-2, $15).
This resource guide is intended to help in planning special
education program evaluations. It focuses on: basic evaluation
concepts, identification of special education decision makers and
their information needs, specific evaluation questions, procedures
for gathering relevant information, and evaluation of the evaluation
process itself. Preliminary information discusses the nature of
evaluation, the people involved, and ways to maximize the utilization
of evaluation results. Then, the following eight steps to planning a
local evaluation are detailed: (1) getting started; (2) describing
the program; (3) writing evaluation questions; (4) planning
collection of information; (5) planning analysis of evaluation data;
(6) planning the evaluation report; (7) managing the evaluation; and
(8) meta evaluation. Four appendices provide a meta evaluation
checklist, a list of 8 references on evaluation utilization, a list
of 11 specific strategies to enhance evaluation utilization, and 15
worksheets keyed to the 8 planning steps. (DB)
Descriptors: Data Collection; *Disabilities; Elementary Secondary
Education; *Evaluation Methods; *Evaluation Utilization; Information
Sources; *Planning; Program Effectiveness; *Program Evaluation;
*Special Education
Identifiers: *Evaluation Reports
ED282908 TM870319
In-House Evaluation--Navigating the Minefield.
Fein, Edith; And Others
Apr 1987
18p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Evaluation Association (Kansas City, MO, October 29-November 1,
This paper describes experiences with in-house evaluation, using
four case examples from Child and Family Services (a social service,
child welfare, and mental health agency) in a meta-evaluation model
to illustrate benefits and sensitivities of the internal evaluator's
role. Projects reviewed were: (1) a child sexual abuse treatment
team; (2) a family day care project; (3) agency policy in response to
the Tarasoff decision; and (4) a new performance appraisal system.
Meta-evaluations examine variables not originally included in the
evaluation design and enable the researcher to consider unintended as
well as intended consequences when examining program outcomes. Meta-
evaluation may be conducted to assert the relevance of in-house
research and evaluation efforts and can be used to document the
utility of research activities. It can also point out where the
evaluator could have been more successful. Before conducting a meta-
evaluation, it is necessary for the evaluator to consider several
issues: (1) timing (the length of time that should elapse between
completion of an evaluation and the start of the meta-evaluation);
(2) unintended consequences (program evaluations can have both
negative and positive unintended consequences); (3) other functions
(evaluators may develop additional programs, information, etc.); (4)
objectivity of the meta-evaluation; (5) costs of the evaluation and
the meta-evaluation; and (6) technical and procedural concerns
(evaluators' work should be of the highest standard). In-house
evaluation can make essential contributions to program planning and
development. It may be appropriate for in-house evaluators to do
more meta-evaluations to examine the outcomes and provide models for
others. (BAE)
Descriptors: Adults; Case Studies; Early Childhood Education;
*Evaluation Methods; *Evaluators; Family Programs; Formative
Evaluation; Power Structure; Private Agencies; *Program Development;
*Program Evaluation; Research Design
Identifiers: *Meta Evaluation
EJ325994 TM510846
Organizing Evaluations for Use As a Management Tool.
Burry, James; And Others
Studies in Educational Evaluation, v11 n2 p131-57 1985
Theme Issue with title "Evaluation as a Mangement Tool."
Factors associated with the use of program evaluation results are
examined. Evaluation can serve a variety of educational management
needs if (1) these needs are organized around a central concern, and
if (2) stakeholders use evaluation information so that their decision
making resolves the central concern. (GDC)
Descriptors: *Administrator Role; Decision Making; Educational
Administration; Elementary Secondary Education; Evaluation Methods;
*Evaluation Utilization; Evaluators; Higher Education; *Information
Needs; Interprofessional Relationship; Literature Reviews; Predictor
Variables; *Program Evaluation
Identifiers: Meta Evaluation
EJ320585 TM510704
A Systems Approach to the Analysis and Management of Large-Scale
Scheerens, Jaap
Studies in Educational Evaluation, v11 n1 p83-93 1985
In order to better understand the influence of the organizational
setting on evaluation, this conceptual framework was developed and
tried out in a meta evaluation of innovatory educational programs in
Holland. Four components are explained--contigency factors,
organization structure, policy-making, and evaluation research--and a
checklist is presented. (GDC)
Descriptors: Evaluation Criteria; *Evaluation Methods; *Evaluation
Utilization; *Meta Analysis; Models; Organizational Climate;
*Politics of Education; Program Evaluation; Summative Evaluation;
*Systems Approach
Identifiers: Control Theory; Evaluation Problems; Evaluation
Research; *Meta Evaluation
EJ309343 TM510211
Evaluation Synthesis for the Legislative User
Chelimsky, Eleanor; Morra, Linda G.
New Directions for Program Evaluation, n24 p75-89 Dec
Theme issue with title "Issues in Data Synthesis."
Evaluation synthesis, a meta-evaluation method developed by the
General Accounting Office to improve evaluation utilization by
legislators, is described. It is designed to: (1) focus on the
information needs and priorities of legislators, and (2) ensure
continuous communication between sponsor and evaluator. The
strengths and limitations of this approach are discussed. (BS)
Descriptors: Evaluation Methods; *Evaluation Utilization; *Federal
Programs; Information Needs; *Legislators; *Meta Analysis;
Organizational Communication; *Program Evaluation; Research
Identifiers: Evaluation Research; *General Accounting Office
EJ290805 TM508496
Nilsson, Neil; Hogben, Donald
New Directions for Program Evaluation, n19 p83-97 Sep
Document Type: POSITION PAPER (120)
The authors criticize the value-free notion of social science and
evaluation. They particularly assail relativists, those who confuse
the making of reliable value judgments with how these value judgments
are used. (Author/PN)
Descriptors: *Evaluation Methods; *Evaluation Needs; Research Needs;
Research Problems; Scientific Principles; *Standards; *Theories
Identifiers: *Meta Evaluation; *Metatheory; Relativism
EJ270544 TM507350
Follow Through: A Case Study in Meta-Evaluation Research.
St. Pierre, Robert G.
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, v4 n1 p47-55 Spr
Available From: Reprint: UMI
This paper shows how several of Cook and Gruder's meta-evaluation
models have been applied in the national evaluation of Project Follow
Through. Participants in the evaluation are identified, their roles
are described, and the degree to which these roles map onto the meta-
evaluation models is assessed. (Author/BW)
Descriptors: *Compensatory Education; Elementary Education;
Evaluators; Federal Programs; *Models; Participant Characteristics;
*Program Evaluation; *Research and Development Centers; *Role
Identifiers: *Meta Evaluation; *Project Follow Through
ED229837 EA015614
The 'I and We' of Accountability: An Example of Meta-Evaluation in
Educational Administration.
Macpherson, R. J. S.
20 Jun 1982
20p.; Paper presented at the Annual State Conference of the
Victorian Council of Educational Administration (Melbourne, Victoria,
Australia, June 1982).
The process of school review currently used in Victoria (Australia)
involves an internal school evaluation, a School Review Board visit
and report, and a followup stage. Six months after the board had
visited one high school, a retrospective view of the review process
was gathered from 8 students, 9 parents, 24 teachers, and 5
administrators. As a validity check, respondents then commented on
the multiple perspectives represented. The administrative
intervention was intended as a school improvement strategy; however,
metaevaluation of the realities experienced by those reviewed
suggests that the process was a ritual to maintain illusions of power
at all levels. The review failed to facilitate the development of
teaching, learning, administration, or governance. Only some of the
people's attitudes changed, mostly in short-term, counter-productive
ways. (MLF)
Descriptors: *Accountability; Educational Administration;
*Educational Assessment; Educational Improvement; *Evaluation Methods;
Foreign Countries; *Institutional Evaluation; Secondary Education
Identifiers: *Australia (Victoria); *Meta Evaluation
ED228280 TM830156
Meta-Analysis, Meta-Evaluation and Secondary Analysis.
Martin, Paula H.
Oct 1982
Document Type: REVIEW LITERATURE (070)
Meta-analysis, meta-evaluation and secondary analysis are methods
of summarizing, examining, evaluating or re-analyzing data in
research and evaluation efforts. Meta-analysis involves the
summarization of research findings to come to some general
conclusions regarding effects or outcomes of a given
treatment/project/program. Glass's approach standardizes various
effect measures and controls for these in analyzing data. Meta-
evaluation is a method of evaluation research examining evaluation
methodologies, procedures, data analysis techniques, interpretation
of results, and the validity and reliability of conclusions.
Secondary analysis, as defined by Glass, is, "the re-analysis of data
for the purpose of answering the original research question with
better statistical techniques or answering new questions with old
data." A review of the literature related to these methodologies
gives examples of actual studies using these techniques. Specifics
on meta-evaluation in federally funded bilingual education programs
illustrate the methodology. As current budgetary cutbacks affect
state and federal programs, meta-analysis and meta-evaluation are
assuming important roles. (CM)
Descriptors: Bilingual Education Programs; *Educational Research;
Elementary Secondary Education; Federal Programs; *Program Evaluation;
*Research Methodology; *Statistical Analysis; *Statistical Data
Identifiers: Elementary Secondary Education Act Title VII; Glass (G
V); *Meta Analysis; *Meta Evaluation; Secondary Analysis
ED218352 TM820394
Biases: Threats to Validity in Evaluation Models.
Innes, Allison H.
Mar 1982
17p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Educational Research Association (66th, New York, NY, March 19-23,
Potential sources of invalidity relevant to evaluation approaches
are identified, described, and categorized. The evaluation focus
covered is the determination of a program's worth, not the
determination of the presence of cause-and-effect relationships.
Concern has been expressed by evaluators about the presence and
effect of biases and their possible threat to the validity of the
conclusions. Validity threats that are discussed in articles in
psychology, sociology, and related fields, and were also mentioned in
evaluation literature are considered. A list of 15 potential
validity threats was compiled. From their psychological and
sociological nature, these biases are likely to occur to some degree
when using most evaluation approaches. Decision-oriented, client-
oriented, and connoisseur-based studies are susceptible to more of
these biases than policy, accountability, or objectives-based studies.
The author suggests that knowledge of these 15 sources of invalidity
could facilitate less biased evaluative judgments. That is, if
during a formative evaluation it is discovered that there is a bias
present, such as relativity of data, then alternative ways of
gathering data may be introduced, or program criteria may be
reassessed. This checklist of biases could prove a useful tool in a
meta-evaluation. (Author/PN)
Descriptors: *Bias; Evaluation Criteria; Formative Evaluation;
*Program Evaluation; *Validity
Identifiers: *Evaluation Problems; Meta Evaluation
ED199301 TM810352
"Net Benefit," A Neglected Metaevaluation Criterion.
Lai, Morris K.
Apr 1981
Document Type: CONFERENCE PAPER (150); POSITION PAPER (120);
Evaluation has generally not been accountable in terms of its
promoting a "net-benefit." The term "net-benefit" rather than
"benefit" is used because a given amount of legitimate benefit may
come at the expense of an inordinate expenditure of evaluation
resources or energy. If any aspect of an evaluation is unlikely to
provide any net-benefit to humanity as far as the overall evaluation
is concerned, then it probably shouldn't be done given the relative
scarcity of evaluation resources and energy. Examples of net-
nonbeneficial energy-wasting evaluation activities include: (1)
carrying out overly complex statistical analyses; (2) dissemination
and use (or lack thereof) of the draft version of the Standards
produced by the Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation
which forbade the draft version to be cited, duplicated, or
distributed without written permission of the Chairman of the
Standards Committee; and (3) the publication of articles including
excess spending of time in adhering to style guidelines. Determining
whether an evaluation activity has the potential to lead to net-
benefit is clearly not always an easy task, but it is an effort
toward achieving accountability. (RL)
Descriptors: *Accountability; *Educational Assessment; *Evaluation
Identifiers: *Meta Evaluation; *Net Benefit
EJ180565 TM503237
Metaevaluation Research
Cook, Thomas D.; Gruder, Charles L.
Evaluation Quarterly, 2, 1, 5-51 Feb 1978
Four projects aimed at evaluating the technical quality of recent
summative evaluations are discussed, and models of metaevaluation are
presented. Common technical problems are identified and practical
methods for solving these problems are outlined, but these methods
are limited by the current state of the art. (Author/CTM)
Descriptors: Consultants; *Data Analysis; *Evaluation Methods;
Evaluators; *Program Evaluation; Research Methodology; Research
Problems; Research Reports; *Research Reviews (Publications);
*Summative Evaluation
Identifiers: *Meta Evaluation; Secondary Analysis
ED163057 TM008109
A Checklist for Evaluating Large-Scale Assessment Programs. Paper
#9 in Occasional Paper Series.
Shepard, Lorrie A.
Western Michigan Univ., Kalamazoo. School of Education.
Apr 1977
Sponsoring Agency: Carnegie Corp. of New York, N.Y.
Document Type: RESEARCH REPORT (143)
A checklist with five major categories is presented and discussed
for its use in planning and carrying out an assessment program.
Three other outlines are briefly presented for comparison:
Stufflebeam's Meta-Evaluation Criteria; Scriven's Checklist for
Evaluating Products, Producers, and Proposals; and Stake's Table of
Contents for a Final Evaluation Report. Preparatory activities for
assessment include staffing the evaluation team, defining the
purpose, and identifying appropriate strategies for data collection.
The first category of the checklist, goals and purposes, includes a
number of different kinds of goals as well as criteria for judging
goals. The technical aspects category includes several items about
tests and also includes sampling, test administration, and reporting.
There are subtopics under the heading of management such as planning
and personnel. The category dealing with intended and unintended
effects has two headings: people and groups who may be affected, and
kinds of effects. The final category deals with dollar costs, costs
in time, and possible negative effects of the assessment program.
Finally, it is suggested that the results should be synthesized and
contrasted with plausible alternatives. (CTM)
Descriptors: *Check Lists; *Educational Assessment; Evaluation;
*Evaluation Criteria; *Evaluation Methods; *Program Evaluation;
*Summative Evaluation
Identifiers: *Meta Evaluation
ED137417 TM006226
Evaluating Evaluation.
Matuszek, Paula; Lee, Ann
Austin Independent School District, Tex. Office of Research and
Evaluation. [Apr 1977
23p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Educational Research Association (61st, New York, New York, April 4-
8, 1977)
Document Type: RESEARCH REPORT (143)
The various needs for evaluating evaluators and their efforts are
discussed in this paper. The argument is presented that evaluators
should not themselves carry out summative evaluation on their own
efforts. Several possible purposes of evaluation of evaluation
staffs and products are pursued, and the methods and persons most
appropriate to each purpose are described. Planning an evaluation of
evaluation to best meet the needs of evaluators is also discussed.
Descriptors: Decision Making; *Educational Researchers; Evaluation;
Evaluation Criteria; *Evaluation Methods; Evaluation Needs;
*Evaluators; *Personnel Evaluation; Questionnaires; *Self Evaluation;
Identifiers: *Meta Evaluation
ED090319 TM003615
Toward a Technology for Evaluating Evaluation.
Stufflebeam, Daniel L.
Apr 1974
103p.; Paper presented at the American Educational Research
Association Annual Meeting (Chicago, Illinois, April 15-19, 1974)
The aim of this paper is to present a logical structure for the
evaluation of evaluation (meta-evaluation) and to suggest ways of
conducting such evaluations. Part I contains an analysis of
background factors and problems associated with meta-evaluation--that
is, the evaluation of evaluation. This part discusses the need for
meta-evaluation and summarizes some of the pertinent literature.
Suggestions are made concerning what criteria should guide the
development of a meta-evaluation methodology. The final and major
portion of Part I is an enumeration of 6 classes of problems that
jeopardize methodology. The second part of the paper is a conceptual
response to the first part. Part II contains a definition of meta-
evaluation and a set of premises to undergird a conceptualization of
meta-evaluation. Most of part two is devoted to a logical structure
for designing meta-evaluation studies. The third part of the paper
is an application of the logical structure presented in Part II.
Basically Part III contains 5 meta-evaluation designs. Four of the
designs are for use in guiding evaluation work, and the fifth is used
in judging completed evaluation work. Taken together the three parts
of the paper are intended to provide a partial response to the needs
for conceptual and practical developments of meta-evaluation.
Descriptors: Accountability; Definitions; *Evaluation; *Evaluation
Criteria; *Evaluation Methods; Evaluation Needs; Guides; *Models;
Identifiers: *Meta Evaluation
EJ003653 EF500032
An Introduction to Meta-Evaluation
Scriven, Michael
Educational Product Report, No. 2, 5, pp.36-38 1969 Feb
Descriptors: Criteria; *Data Analysis; Equipment Evaluation;
*Evaluation Methods; *Evaluation Needs; Program Evaluation
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