ERIC Documents Database Citations & Abstracts for Evaluating Teacher Evaluation Programs
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ED412224 TM027444
Application of the "Personnel Evaluation Standards" to Local
District Teacher Evaluation Programs: Analyses of 14 Cases.
Loup, Karen S.; Ellett, Chad D.
34p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Educational Research Association (Chicago, IL, March 24-28, 1997).
Local school district teacher evaluation plans, processes, and
procedures were studied to determine whether they measure up to the
criteria outlined by D. Stufflebeam's "Personnel Evaluation
Standards" (1988). The applicability and interpretability of the
"Standards" across 14 actual cases from local school districts in
Connecticut were analyzed, and these results were compared to those
from a previous study of teacher evaluation in Louisiana. The focus
was on Connecticut's teacher evaluation cycle as implemented in
different districts. Key features of the cycle include appraisal,
support, and plans for continued professional growth. Previous study
of the System for Teaching and Learning Assessment and Review (STAR)
in Louisiana described it as a system that includes a student
learning-centered focus that is in contrast to the Connecticut
Competency Instrument, a classroom observation system based on the
process-product literature of the 1980s. The 14 Connecticut examples
included 2 urban, 8 suburban, and 4 rural school districts. Case
analysts, 14 Connecticut teachers and administrators, used the
categories from the "Standards" (propriety, utility, feasibility, and
accuracy) to guide their analyses. Results suggest that Connecticut
districts are beginning to consider and implement written policy and
procedures for decision making in evaluation, although evaluations as
carried out were not fully consistent with the state's declared
objectives. However, the analyses do indicate that the "Standards"
can be used to outline weaknesses and suggest improvements in local
district teacher evaluation programs. Appendixes describe
Connecticut's teacher evaluation cycle, the "Personnel Evaluation
Standards," and the components of a standard as outlined by D.
Stufflebeam (1988). (Contains 3 tables and 11 references.) (SLD)
Descriptors: Case Studies; *Educational Policy; Educational
Practices; Evaluation Methods; *Professional Development; Program
Implementation; Rural Schools; *School Districts; *Standards; State
Programs; Suburban Schools; *Teacher Evaluation; Urban Schools
Identifiers: Connecticut; Louisiana; Personnel Evaluation Standards
ED411215 SP037505
Evaluating Teaching: A Guide to Current Thinking and Best Practice.
Stronge, James, Ed.
ISBN: 0-8039-6356-4
Available From: Corwin Press, Inc., 2455 Teller Road, Thousand
Oaks, CA 91320; e-mail: order at sign corwin.sagepub.com; fax: 805-
499-0871 (softcover: ISBN-0-8039-6356-4, $32.95; hardcover: ISBN-0-
8039-6355-6, $69.95).
Document Type: BOOK (010); COLLECTION (020); NON-CLASSROOM
Target Audience: Administrators; Practitioners; Teachers
This guide presents current research and thinking about teacher
evaluation and combines that research with practice. Chapters
contain illustrations and examples to make a research-practice
connection and present a comprehensive approach to designing,
implementing, and monitoring quality teacher-evaluation systems.
Chapters include: (1) "Improving Schools through Teacher Education"
(James H. Stronge); (2) "Building the Foundation: Teacher Roles and
Responsibilities" (Patricia H. Wheeler and Michael Scriven); (3)
"Legal Considerations in Designing Teacher Evaluation Systems"
(Pamela D. Tucker and Kay P. Kindred); (4) "Applying the Personnel
Evaluation Standards to Teacher Evaluation" (James R. Sanders); (5)
"Classroom-Based Assessments of Teaching and Learning" (Chad D.
Ellett); (6) "Client Surveys in Teacher Evaluation" (James H. Stronge
and Laura P. Ostrander); (7) "Indicators of Student Learning in
Teacher Evaluation" (Andrew A. McConney, Mark D. Schalock, and H. Del
Schalock); (8) "Portfolios in Teacher Evaluation" (Kenneth Wolf, Gary
Lichtenstein, and Cynthia Stevenson); (9) "Teacher Self-Evaluation"
(Peter W. Airasian and Arlen Gullickson); (10) "Conducting a
Successful Evaluation Conference" (Virginia M. Helm); (11) "Dealing
Positively with the Nonproductive Teacher" (Mary Jo McGrath); and
(12) "Linking Teacher Evaluation and Professional Development" (Joyce
Annunziata). Chapters contain references. (JLS)
Descriptors: Classroom Observation Techniques; Elementary Secondary
Education; *Evaluation Methods; Faculty Development; *Instructional
Effectiveness; Legal Responsibility; Program Development; Program
Implementation; Standards; *Teacher Effectiveness; *Teacher
Evaluation; Teacher Qualifications; Teachers; Theory Practice
ED395536 HE029190
Developing an Effective Faculty Evaluation System. IDEA Paper No. 33.
Cashin, William E.
Kansas State Univ., Manhattan. Center for Faculty Evaluation and
Development in Higher Education. Jan 1996
Available From: Kansas State University, Center for Faculty
Evaluation and Development, Division of Continuing Education, 1615
Anderson Avenue, Manhattan, KS 66502-4073 (For current prices, call
Target Audience: Teachers; Practitioners
This paper discusses the principles of an effective faculty
evaluation system that are repeatedly recommended in the literature.
These principles include the following: (1) clarify institutional
goals; (2) decide on the purposes of the data to be collected; (3)
use pilot programs when appropriate; (4) significantly involve
participants in the development of the system; (5) foster open
communication about the system; (6) obtain support from high-level
administrators; (7) ensure that the system is flexible and legal; (8)
define major and minor faculty responsibilities as well as the
sources of data used to evaluate each subresponsibility at the
beginning of the evaluation period; (9) use multiple data sources;
(10) ensure that the data are technically acceptable; (11) define the
criteria for each subresponsibility; (12) train the evaluators to
evaluate and the supervisors to give feedback; (13) maintain
confidentiality; (14) reward effective performance; (15) combine
development with evaluation; and (16) review the system periodically.
(Contains 30 references.) (CK)
Descriptors: *College Faculty; *Decision Making; *Evaluation
Methods; Faculty Development; *Faculty Evaluation; Higher Education;
*Measurement Objectives; *Organizational Objectives
EJ526867 TM519587
Looking Backwards with the "Personnel Evaluation Standards": An
Analysis of the Development and Implementation of a Statewide Teacher
Assessment Program.
Ellett, Chad D.; And Others
Studies in Educational Evaluation, v22 n1 p79-113 1996
ISSN: 0191-491X
The "Personnel Evaluation Standards" of D. Stufflebeam (1988) were
used as a framework for the historical analysis of Louisiana's effort
to implement a statewide program to evaluate its 45,000 teachers for
the purpose of renewable professional certification. Using the "
Standards" provided insights into the evaluation process and its
results. (SLD)
Descriptors: *Evaluation Methods; *Personnel Evaluation; *Program
Implementation; *Standards; *State Programs; Teacher Certification;
*Teacher Evaluation
Identifiers: *Louisiana
ED394566 JC960301
Faculty Performance Review and Evaluation: Principles, Guidelines,
and Successes.
Ackerman, Ann
Feb 1996
7p.; In: The Olympics of Leadership: Overcoming Obstacles,
Balancing Skills, Taking Risks. Proceedings of the Annual
International Conference of the National Community College Chair
Academy (5th, Phoenix, AZ, February 14-17, 1996); see JC 960 276.
A comprehensive faculty performance appraisal program is necessary
for any college to maintain a high standard of excellence,
effectiveness, and accountability. Faculty performance should be
reviewed using established, fair, and consistent procedures that
consider obligations, agreed-upon objectives, and performance
standards. The purposes of the review are to assess individual job
performance; encourage the highest quality of job performance; reward
performance which meets or exceeds the established performance
criteria; identify individual knowledge, skills, and needs for
development; clarify future performance expectations, goals, and
priorities of the faculty and the division chair or dean; and
maintain effective communication between faculty and the chair or
dean for improving methods and procedures used in performing the work.
Evaluation is dependent upon shared responsibility and rigorous
professional judgments. Moreover, only items that have been agreed
to should be evaluated, focusing on quality rather than quantity.
Faculty performance review is an on-going process that relies heavily
on the mutual involvement of the faculty person and the dean. Prior
to the evaluation period, the faculty member and dean should have
discussed goals, expectations, activities, and areas of emphasis for
the upcoming year. Performance issues should also be discussed
throughout the year, with the annual performance review scheduled at
the end of the evaluation period. (TGI)
Descriptors: College Faculty; Community Colleges; *Evaluation
Criteria; *Evaluation Methods; *Faculty College Relationship;
*Faculty Evaluation; *Job Performance; Management by Objectives;
Personnel Management; Program Design; Teacher Evaluation; Two Year
ED365637 SP034891
Certificated Personnel Performance Evaluation Act: Guidelines.
Ruckel, Carol J., Ed.
Colorado State Dept. of Education, Denver. Office of Professional
Services. Mar 1993
19p.; Title on cover is "Certificated Personnel Performance
Evaluation Guidelines."
Target Audience: Administrators; Practitioners
These guidelines are intended to assist Colorado school districts
and boards of cooperative services (BOCS) in developing systems which
meet the requirements of the Certificated Personnel Performance
Evaluation Act (as amended), which mandates written systems for
performance evaluation of all certificated personnel. The guidelines
distinguish between which provisions must be followed by local school
districts or BOCS and which are just recommended. The guidelines
begin with definitions and clarifications and then outline the
purposes of the performance evaluation system. District and BOCS
responsibilities in appointing an advisory council, and the
responsibilities of the council, are spelled out. Evaluation system
components are listed, including specification of: personnel to be
evaluated, purposes of the evaluation, standards for satisfactory
performance, criteria used to determine performance, methods of
information collection, frequency and duration of the evaluations,
and preparation of a written evaluation report. In addition, the
guidelines note that the evaluation system should provide for notices
of deficiencies for teachers with unsatisfactory performance and
development of remediation plans, and that state-approved evaluator
training is required. State Board of Education responsibilities are
listed, and the role and membership of the State Certificated
Personnel Performance Evaluation Council are noted. The text of the
Act is provided. (JDD)
Descriptors: *Compliance (Legal); Elementary School Teachers;
Elementary Secondary Education; *Evaluation Criteria; *Evaluation
Methods; Legal Responsibility; Personnel Evaluation; School Districts;
Secondary School Teachers; State Boards of Education; *State
Legislation; Systems Development; *Teacher Evaluation
Identifiers: *Certificated Personnel Perf Eval Act (Colorado);
ED337851 EA023353
The Law of Teacher Evaluation. NOLPE Monograph/Book Series No. 42.
Rossow, Lawrence F.; Parkinson, Jerry
National Organization on Legal Problems of Education, Topeka, Kans.
ISBN: 1-56534-031-0
Available From: Publication Sales, National Organization on Legal
Problems of Education, 3601 S.W. 29th, Suite 223, Topeka, KS 66614
($17.95 plus $3.00 postage and handling).
Document Type: LEGAL MATERIAL (090)
Litigation in the area of teacher evaluation has developed around
issues concerning the processes and criteria used by school districts
in conducting evaluations. Following an introduction explaining
basic concepts, chapter 2 discusses the appropriate content of
teacher evaluation, examining formal adoption of evaluation policies,
compliance with state statutes and regulations, and content and
constitutional requirements. Chapter 3 focuses on the use of
commonly recognized statutory grounds for terminating teachers and
the part these grounds play in evaluation. The procedural aspects of
evaluation, such as the use of objective criteria and remediation,
are described in chapter 4. The fifth chapter discusses the use of
competency testing, issues of test validity, potential constitutional
challenges, discrimination, and miscellaneous legal considerations.
Issues in teacher evaluation and defamation claims are examined in
the final section, presenting lines of defense available to
administrators to protect against such claims. A conclusion points
to the pervasive attitude of judicial deference to the decisions of
educational policymakers. (317 footnotes) (LMI)
Descriptors: *Compliance (Legal); Court Litigation; Elementary
Secondary Education; *Evaluation Criteria; Evaluation Utilization;
Job Performance; *Legal Problems; Libel and Slander; State Standards;
*Summative Evaluation; Teacher Dismissal; *Teacher Evaluation; Test
ED422353 TM028905
The New Handbook of Teacher Evaluation: Assessing Elementary and
Secondary School Teachers.
Millman, Jason, Ed.; Darling-Hammond, Linda, Ed.
ISBN: 0-8039-4523-X
Available From: Corwin Press, Inc., A Sage Publications Company,
2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 (paperback: ISBN-0-8039-
4523-X, $29.95).
Document Type: BOOK (010); COLLECTION (020); NON-CLASSROOM
The 25 chapters in this handbook examine evaluation purposes,
processes, and methods, and discuss how they shape the implementation
and outcomes of evaluation. Following an introduction in chapter 1,
the nine chapters in Part I consider the purposes of evaluation.
Chapters 3, 4, and 5 are concerned with the evaluation processes that
determine selection into teaching: preservice evaluation, licensure,
and certification. Chapters 6, 7, and 8 focus on how evaluation may
support the development of greater teaching competencies for
beginning and veteran teachers. Chapters 9 and 10 consider school
accountability and school improvement. Part II examines the various
methods used to evaluate teachers, along with their strengths and
limitations as applied to the many purposes of evaluation. Chapters
11 and 12 deal with two methods for evaluating inservice teachers:
classroom observations and ratings of classroom performance, while
chapter 13 deals with teacher self-assessment. Chapters 14 and 15
deal with less widely used methods, the use of student test scores
and the use of teacher portfolios. Chapters 16 through 18 address
the use of formal tests to evaluate teachers for licensure or
certification, and chapter 19 discusses combining evaluation data
from multiple sources for decision making. In Part III, some of the
system-wide concerns that developers and users of evaluation plans
must confront are discussed. Chapters explore legal, ethical,
administrative, and economic aspects of teacher evaluation, and ways
to improve and support teacher evaluation. The use of personnel
standards to improve teacher evaluation is also discussed. Each
chapter contains references. (Contains six figures and four tables.)
Descriptors: Accountability; Educational Assessment; Educational
Improvement; *Elementary School Teachers; Elementary Secondary
Education; *Evaluation Methods; Evaluation Utilization; *Professional
Development; *Secondary School Teachers; Self Evaluation
(Individuals); Standards; Teacher Certification; *Teacher Evaluation;
Test Use
ED289240 EA019766
Evaluation Guidelines for School Personnel, 1986. Suggested
Personnel Policy Guidelines for School Districts.
Oregon State Dept. of Education, Salem. May 1986
55p.; For the 1977 guidelines, see ED 146 193.
Target Audience: Administrators; Practitioners
This publication updates four earlier ones having similar titles,
the last of which was written in 1979. These guidelines are intended
to aid local school districts in Oregon in developing their own staff
evaluation procedures and documents. The guide begins by citing the
six administrative agencies outside the district that regulate most
school district personnel matters, followed by elements of
supervision and evaluation that apply to both certificated and
classified employees. The major part of the document applies only to
certificated employees; only three pages apply to classified
employees. A list, for both teachers and administrators, of
suggested standards for competent and ethical educators is
accompanied by samples of the kinds of statements a district may want
to develop as indicators of performance. Suggested schedules of
evaluation activities include a flow chart showing the sequence of
events and the alternative steps that may be taken in the
certificated staff evaluation process. The guidelines conclude with
a suggested checklist for reviewing the personnel evaluation process
and sample forms for employee evaluations, proposed policy
resolutions, job description and employee standards, teacher
evaluations, personnel progress and performance evaluation, and plan
of assistance. (MLF)
Descriptors: Elementary Secondary Education; *Evaluation Methods;
Guidelines; *Personnel Evaluation; Personnel Management; Public
Schools; Records (Forms); School Administration; School Districts;
*School Personnel; Standards; State School District Relationship;
*Teacher Evaluation; *Teacher Supervision
Identifiers: *Oregon
EJ331362 EA519670
Legally Sound Criteria, Processes and Procedures for the Evaluation
of Public School Professional Employees.
Beckham, Joseph
Journal of Law and Education, v14 n4 p529-51 Oct 1985
Document Type: JOURNAL ARTICLE (080); LEGAL MATERIAL (090); NON-
Target Audience: Administrators; Policymakers; Practitioners
Reviews judicial decisions involving school staff evaluation
systems. Courts remain reluctant to interfere with the summative
evaluation process of a school district. Administrators must apply
reasoned, ascertainable standards in employment decisions in order to
withstand judicial scrutiny amid the array of legal constraints on
the evaluation of professional employees. (MD)
Descriptors: Academic Achievement; *Court Litigation; Elementary
Secondary Education; Equal Opportunities (Jobs); Equal Protection;
*Evaluation; *Evaluation Methods; Teacher Behavior; Teacher
Effectiveness; *Teacher Evaluation; Testing
Identifiers: *First Amendment
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