Cognitive Style Inventory Descriptions
Learning Style Inventory (LSI-IIa).
Kolb, David A.
Abstract: The Learning Style Inventory (LSI-IIa) evaluates the way one
learns and how one deals with ideas and day-to-day situations. It is a
self-descriptive instrument designed to assess an individual's preferred
learning style. It can be used to help one understand how one makes career
choices, solves problems, sets goals, manages others and deals with new
situations. The inventory presents 12 sentences, each with 4 endings. The
endings are ranked for each sentence according to how well each one fits
with how the rater would go about learning something. The four choices
correspond to four learning orientations: concrete experience, abstract
conceptualization, active experimentation, or reflective observation. From
the use of these learning orientations four learning-style types emerge:
converger, diverger, assimilator, and accommodator. (JW)
1. Inventory and Interpretation Booklet.
Publication Date: 1993
Most recent update to the database: Aug 1995
ETS Tracking Number: TC019582
Contact Information
For more detailed information about this measure and its related materials,
please contact or consult:
BOSTON, MA 02116
Descriptors: *Self Evaluation (Individuals); Cognitive Style; Adults;
Experiential Learning; Questionnaires; Training Methods
Identifiers: Learning Style Inventory (LSI IIa)
Barsch Learning Style Inventory.
Abstract: Informal, self-administered assessment for high school students
and college students to show whether their preferred learning style is
visual, auditory or tactile. Purpose of inventory is to make students
more aware of their individual learning style and how to acquire knowledge
more efficiently. Accompanied by Effective Study Tips which show students
how to capitalize on their learning strengths. Appropriate for regular
and special education programs. Learning disabled students may require
Subtests: Visual; Auditory; Tactual.
Number of Test Items: 24.
Testing Time: 10; approx minutes.
Grade Level(s): 9; 10; 11; 12; Higher Education.
Publication Date: 1990
Most recent update to the database: Aug 1991
ETS Tracking Number: TC017289
Contact Information
For more detailed information about this measure
and its related materials, please contact or consult:
NOVATO, CA 94949-6191
Canfield Learning Styles Inventory, Form S-A.
Abstract: Developed to measure some of the affective variables that
influence learning and which contribute to satisfactory and effective
adjustment to the teaching-learning situation. Several factors are
assessed. One is conditions, or the dynamics of the classroom situation,
including affiliation, structure, achievement, and eminence. Content covers
four major academic areas of interest to students. Modes assess the
learning modalities which students prefer. Expectation evaluates students'
anticipated level of performance. There is a Form E for use with students
at a fifth-grade reading level and above. Form S-A is used with subjects
who have at least a ninth-grade reading level.
Subtests: Conditions; Content; Mode; Expectation.
Number of Test Items: 30.
Testing Time: 30; approx minutes.
Age Range: AGE 13-17, Adults.
Publication Date: 1976
Most recent update to the database: Feb 1986
ETS Tracking Number: TC013821
Contact Information
For more detailed information about this measure and its related materials,
please contact or consult:
LOS ANGELES, CA 90025 -1251
Descriptors: *Affective-Measures; *Forced-Choice-Technique;
*Learning-Motivation; Achievement; Adolescents; Adults;
Classroom-Environment. Learning-Modalities; Student-Interests;
Life Styles Inventory 1-A Self-Report
Lafferty, J. Clayton; Morris, Glenn
Title: Life Styles Inventory 1-A Self-Report
Author: Lafferty, J. Clayton; Morris, Glenn
Abstract: The instrument is designed specifically for teenagers to offer an
opportunity to take a good look at their present way of thinking. It is
used to develop a plan of action for eliminating ineffective behaviors. The
three-point rating scale provides an interpretation of 12 thinking styles.
Its participants learn the behaviors related to the thinking styles and
receive a plan for changing behavior. The self-scored tool produces a
personal profile based on responses to easy-to-understand descriptive words
and phrases. No technical data are provided. (TJS)
1. Instrument
Publication Date: 1987
Most recent update to the database: Aug 1993
ETS Tracking Number: TC018710
Contact Information
For more detailed information about this measure and its related materials,
please contact or consult:
Human Synergistics International; 39819 Plymouth Road, Plymouth, MI 48170
Descriptors: *Adolescents; Behavior Rating Scales; Cognitive Style;; Self
Evaluation (Individuals)
Identifiers: LSI1(A)
Vocational Learning Styles Inventory
Hendrix-Frye, Helena
Abstract: This instrument was developed to assess learning styles and
preferred working conditions. It consists of 75 statements involving
physical, social, environmental, mode of expression, and work
characteristic domains. Individuals respond to each statement as it best
describes them using a four-point scale. It is to be used with regular and
special needs individuals in grades 7 to 12 and in postsecondary facilities
to train or retrain individuals in marketable skills. It can be
administered individually, audiovisually, or by computer.(BAE)
Publication Date: 1991
Most recent update to the database: Jul 1993
ETS Tracking Number: TC018666
Contact Information
For more detailed information about this measure and its related materials,
please contact or consult:
P.O. BOX 333
URL: http://www.careernetworks.com/
Descriptors: *Cognitive Style; Work Environment; Special Needs Students;
Vocational Education; Secondary School Students; College Students;
Secondary Education; Postsecondary Education; Retraining
Learning Preference Scale - Students
Owens, Lee; Barnes, Jennifer
Abstract: The instrument is a set of learning preference scales comprised
of: Learning Preference Scale - Students (LPSS), Learning Preference Scale
-Teachers (LPST), and Learning Preference Scale - Parents (LPSP). Used
separately or in combination, the instruments provide systematic
information on the attitudes of school students, teachers, or parents of
school students toward three subscales: cooperative, competitive, and
individualized learning within the classroom. It may be used by classroom
teachers to suit the mode of classroom activity to student preferences.
Each instrument is largely self administered and may be taken individually
or in groups. The LPSS contains 36 items with 12 items in each of the
subscales. It is based on a four-point rating scale with response options
ranging from "completely true" to "completely false". Students respond to
each item by indicating how true or false the statement is for them. Each
item is a brief statement about a feature of learning by cooperating with
others, by competing with others, or by working alone. The LPSS takes 10 to
15 minutes to complete for older students and up to 25 to 45 minutes for
young students or less competent readers. It is to be used with students in
grades 4 through 12. Technical data are provided.(TJS)
1. Handbook and Test Master Set, Teachers, Students, Parents
Publication Date: 1992
Most recent update to the database: Sep 1993
ETS Tracking Number: TC800341
Contact Information
For more detailed information about this measure and its related materials,
please contact or consult:
The Australian Council for Educational Research; P.O. Box 210, Hawthorn,
Victoria Australia 3122
Descriptors: *Cognitive Style; Elementary School Students; Secondary School
Students; Student Attitudes; Attitude Measures; Foreign Countries; Learning
Strategies; Elementary Secondary Education; Classroom Environment; Behavior
Rating Scales
Identifiers: LPSS; Australia
Vocational Learning Styles Inventory.
JIST Works, Indianapolis, IN
Title: Vocational Learning Styles Inventory.
Author: JIST Works, Indianapolis, IN
Abstract: The Vocational Learning Styles Inventory can be used with
at-risk, college preparatory, and technical preparatory students to assess
learning styles. It is based on the Hendrix-Frye Learning Styles Inventory
(TC018666) which considers traditional style factors as well as
environmental factors and working styles. It takes about two minutes per
participant to key result for computer scoring with individual or group
profile printouts. The kit includes a video, computer disk, guide, and a
reproducible response form. (MH)
No Material. See publisher's catalog
Most recent update to the database: Mar 1995
ETS Tracking Number: TC019456
Contact Information
For more detailed information about this measure and its related materials,
please contact or consult:
JIST Works, 720 North Park Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46202-3431.
Descriptors: *High School Students; Cognitive Style; At Risk Persons;
College Bound Students; Vocational Education; High Schools; Computer
Assisted Testing
Identifiers: Vocational Learning Styles Inventory
Recognizing Others' Thinking Profiles.
Parlette, Nicholas
Abstract: Recognizing Others' Thinking Profiles can be used to understand
the thinking preferences of specific individuals and thereby result in more
effective working relationships. It describes thinking styles as five
types: synthesist, idealist, pragmatist, analyst, and realist. The
inventory can be used to develop a strategy to influence others. To be of
maximum value, the Inquiry Mode Questionnaire (TC019065) should be used in
conjunction. (JW)
1. Inventory
2. A Guide to Becoming More Effective in Getting Your Way
Publication Date: 1994
Most recent update to the database: Oct 1995
ETS Tracking Number: TC019645
Contact Information
For more detailed information about this measure and its related materials,
please contact or consult:
Holland-Parlette Associates, 74 New Montgomery, Suite 230, San Francisco,
CA 94105-3411.
Descriptors: *Self Evaluation (Individuals); Cognitive Style; Decision
Making; Adults; Teamwork; Thinking Skills; Personality Traits
Identifiers: Recognizing Others Thinking Profiles
Learning Styles Questionnaire--Short Form.
Fung, Y. H.; And Others
Abstract: The Learning Styles Questionnaire--Short Form is a 40-item
instrument designed to measure the learning preferences of students in
higher and professional education in Hong Kong. The 40 items are taken from
the original 80-item Learning Styles Questionnaire (TC016884). Items which
were determined to be relevant to students in learning situations, worded
so that they are clear and unambiguous to Chinese students, and covered a
broad range of behaviors, preferences, and beliefs were selected for the
short form. As does the original, it measures four learning styles:
Activist, Reflector, Theorist, and Pragmatist. It should take 15 to 20
minutes to administer. Technical data are included. (KM)
1. Article reprint. See availability source.
Publication Date: 1993
Most recent update to the database: Oct 1995
ETS Tracking Number: TC990011
Contact Information
For more detailed information about this measure and its related materials,
please contact or consult:
British Journal of Educational Technology, 0007-1013, v24 n1 p12-21, Jan
Descriptors: *Cognitive Style; Learning Processes; College Students;
Professional Education; Higher Education; Foreign Countries; Questionnaires
Identifiers: Hong Kong; Learning Styles Questionnaire Short Form
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The information about the measure described on this page was gathered and
written by the Library and Reference Services Division of the Educational
Testing Service. The format of this page and the search interface were
developed by the Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation.
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