ERIC Documents Citations & Abstracts for Cognitive or Learning Styles (General)
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Cognitive Style [ERIC Descriptor, with heavily weighted status]
Review Literature [Document Type]
EJ552763 PS527096
Some Implications of Cognitive Styles on Young Children's Play.
Saracho, Olivia N.
Early Child Development and Care, v131 p19-30 Apr 1997
Language: English
Cognitive styles are broad, systematic characteristics that influence
people's responses in different situations. Field dependence independence
(FDI) is the cognitive style construct that has generated the most research.
Describes the FDI characteristics in young children's social behaviors,
including their social orientation, people-versus-object orientation, social
factors, cognitive performance, social competence, and age and sex differences.(EV)
Descriptors: Age Differences; Child Behavior; Cognitive Processes; *Cognitive
Style; *Field Dependence Independence; Individual Characteristics; Personality
Traits; *Play; Sex Differences; *Social Cognition; *Young Children
Identifiers: Field Theory
ED410029 PS025691
The Search for Style: It All Depends on Where You Look.
Tendy, Susan M.; Geiser, William F.
EDRS Price - MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Document Type: REVIEW LITERATURE (070)
This paper traces the history of 11 prominent learning style theorists from
the 1970s to the present. Several theorists focused on the student's cognitive
processing style. Manuel Ramirez attributed Mexican-American students'
tendency toward field sensitivity to their socialization. Charles Letteri
classified learners as analytic, global, or combination processors. Anthony
Gregorc identified four styles of cognitive processing which combined concrete
and abstract spatial and sequential and random temporal components. Ronald R.
Schmeck conceptualized cognitive style in a developmental fashion, proceeding
from global to analytic. David Kolb identified four learning modes, concrete
experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active
experimentation; and for learning styles, accommodation, assimilation,
converging, and diverging. Joseph Hill defined learning style as the way an
individual searches for meaning and considered cognitive processes, perceptual
modalities, and sociological elements. Harry Reinert focused on students'
reactions to an auditory stimulus to enhance learning. David Hunt examined
sociological and emotional components of learning style, such as need for
structure and peer- versus adult-orientation. Kenneth Dunn and Rita Dunn
developed a comprehensive model dealing with environmental, emotional,
sociological, physical, and psychological learning style elements which
provides information directly related to teaching strategies. Bernice McCarthy
developed a lesson plan model which provides a sequence of instruction to move
students from concrete experience to reflective observation to abstract
conceptualization to active experimentation. The models complement and build
on one another, but there is still considerable debate on the issue of matching
the learner's style or altering it. (Contains 31 references.) (KDFB)
Descriptors: Affective Behavior; *Children; *Cognitive Processes; *Cognitive
Style; Elementary Secondary Education; Field Dependence Independence; Learning
Strategies; Social Influences; Socialization; Teaching Methods; *Theories
Identifiers: Hill (Joseph); Historical Background; Hunt (David E); Kolb
(David A); Ramirez (Manuel)
EJ517204 UD518961
A Survey of Gender and Learning Styles.
Philbin, Marge; And Others
Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, v32 n7-8 p485-94 Apr 1995
ISSN: 0360-0025
Language: English
Investigates differences in learning styles between men and women. Seventy-
two people of different ethnic groups responded to the Learning Style Inventory
(D. A. Kolb, 1976), 12 Educational Dialectical questions, and 1 question
concerning learning experiences. Findings reveal that men appear to find
congruence between traditional education and their learning style while women
do not. (GR)
Descriptors: *Cognitive Style; Comparative Analysis; Females; *Learning
Experience; Males; *Sex Differences; Social Science Research
Identifiers: Learning Style Inventory (Kolb)
ED387067 HE028652
Learning Styles: A Review of the Literature.
Swanson, Linda J.
Jul 1995
EDRS Price - MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Document Type: REVIEW LITERATURE (070)
In light of recent research suggesting links between learning style and
culture, this review of the literature looked at the various definitions of
learning style, reviewed a framework for categorizing the types of instruments
used to assess learning style, and explored the literature on learning style
research among diverse groups. The study reviewed definitions of learning
style versus cognitive style and explored learning style theories including
personality models, an information processing model, and the social interaction
model. The study also explored research on learning styles among diverse
groups at the postsecondary level and found that much of this research finds
that learning styles may follow cultural patterns. Exploration of the
implications of the relationship between learning styles and cultural diversity
for higher education instruction led to the conclusion that colleges and
universities should conduct professional development activities on the use of
learning styles in improving teaching and student development, that classroom
research in this area should be promoted, that curricular experiences should
help students learn how to learn, and that search committees should take
candidates' understanding of teaching and learning practices into account.
(Contains 32 references.) (JB)
Descriptors: *Cognitive Style; *College Instruction; *Cultural Differences;
Cultural Influences; Definitions; *Educational Research; Higher Education;
Individual Differences; *Learning Processes; Learning Theories; Models
Identifiers: Diversity (Student)
ED386526 UD030593
Multiculturalism and Learning Style. Teaching and Counseling Adolescents.
Dunn, Rita; Griggs, Shirley A.
ISBN: 0-275-94762-9
Available From: Praeger Publishers, Greenwood Publishing Group, 88 Post Road
West, Box 5007, Westport, CT 06881 ($55).
Document Not Available from EDRS.
Language: English
This consideration of learning style and the minority student analyzes and
synthesizes the research that reveals the similarities and differences among
the learning styles of culturally diverse populations and describes how to
teach and counsel adolescents with different learning styles. Research
suggests that students whose instruction is not responsive to their learning
styles achieve significantly less than children whose instruction is responsive.
The implications of the varied individual, rather than the cultural group, and
the learning styles of multicultural students are discussed for both teaching
and counseling. The efforts of schools that have successfully reversed
underachievement among culturally diverse students are described. The research
on which these conclusions are based involved the participation of more than 18
professors and 60 doctoral students working collaboratively at St. John's
University in New York. The instrumentation designed to identify learning
style and 21 elements of learning style are identified. One table and 28
figures illustrate the discussion. A sample programmed learning sequence is
illustrated with 45 instructional frames. (Contains 369 references.) (SLD)
Descriptors: Academic Achievement; *Adolescents; Cognitive Processes;
*Cognitive Style; *Counseling; Cultural Differences; Disadvantaged Youth;
Elementary Secondary Education; Identification; Individual Differences;
Learning Strategies; *Minority Groups; *Multicultural Education; *Teaching
ED385652 UD030545
Learning Styles of African American Children and NSTA Goals of Instruction.
Melear, Claudia T.
Apr 1995
17p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational
Research Association (San Francisco, CA, April 18-22, 1995). Small type in
crowded tables may not reproduce well.
EDRS Price - MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.
Language: English
PAPER (150)
The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) policy statement on
multiculturalism lists learning style as an important concern for science
teachers. Several recent studies have considered the learning styles of
minority children. Notable among them is the study of J. Hale (1986) that
lists a number of characteristics of African-American children's learning
styles. Young African-American children are perceived as successful in their
homes, churches, and communities and only demonstrate a failure pattern after a
few years in schools designed by the dominant culture. African-American
children display culturally induced cognitions that should be considered in
planning for their instruction. Four learning styles described by Hale and
others are: (1) person centered; (2) affective; (3) expressive; and (4)
movement oriented. Researchers are engaged in evaluating these learning
styles in relation to the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, and they seem very
promising for describing the learning styles of African-American children. Two
tables provide instruction strategies for science based on characteristics of
African-American children and seven additional tables summarize study
information. (Contains 12 references.) (SLD)
Descriptors: Academic Achievement; Affective Behavior; *Black Students;
*Cognitive Style; *Cultural Awareness; Educational Policy; Elementary Secondary
Education; *Minority Groups; *Multicultural Education; Personality Traits;
Science Education; Student Characteristics; Teaching Methods
Identifiers: African Americans; Myers Briggs Type Indicator; *National
Science Teachers Association
ED382722 UD030406
Learning Styles and Culturally Diverse Students: A Literature Review.
Irvine, Jacqueline Jordan; York, Darlene Eleanor
14p.; Chapter 27 in the "Handbook of Research on Multicultural Education,"
p484-97. See UD 030 379.
Available From: Individual chapters not available separately.
Document Not Available from EDRS.
Language: English
Document Type: REVIEW LITERATURE (070)
The concept of learning styles is based on the theory that an individual
responds to educational experiences with consistent behavior and performance
patterns. The complexity of the construct, the psychometric problems related
to its measurement, and the enigmatic relationship between culture and the
teaching and learning process means that the body of research on learning
styles must be interpreted and applied carefully. Analyses presented in this
paper suggest that the widespread conclusions in the literature that African
American, Hispanic American, and Indian students are field-dependent learners
who prosper academically when taught with field-dependent teaching strategies
are premature and conjectural. Research does not support the supposition that
members of a particular ethnic group have the same learning style. The body of
research does have implications for enhancing the academic achievement of
culturally diverse students by reminding teachers to be alert to individual
students' learning styles as well as their own actions and methods in reference
to their students' cultural experiences and preferred learning environments.
(Contains 102 references.) (SLD)
Descriptors: Academic Achievement; American Indians; Blacks; *Cognitive Style;
Cultural Background; *Cultural Differences; *Educational Research; Ethnic
Groups; Hispanic Americans; *Learning Modalities; Literature Reviews;
Measurement Techniques; *Personality Traits; Psychometrics
Identifiers: African Americans; *Diversity (Student)
EJ508260 EA530886
The Culture/Learning Style Connection.
Guild, Pat
Educational Leadership, v51 n8 p16-21 May 1994
ISSN: 0013-1784
Available From: UMI
Language: English
Cultures have distinctive learning style patterns, but the great variation
among individuals within groups requires educators to use diverse teaching
strategies. Researchers identify three kinds of information about culture and
learning styles: observation-based descriptions of cultural groups of learners,
data-based descriptions of specific groups, and direct discussion. Accepted
conclusions and debates are summarized. (17 references) (MLH)
Descriptors: *Cognitive Style; *Cultural Background; Elementary Secondary
Education; *Individual Differences; *Learning Processes; *Research Needs;
Socialization; *Teaching Methods
EJ494980 HE533184
Gender Differences in Learning Styles: A Narrative Review and Quantitative
Severiens, Sabine E.; Ten Dam, Geert T. N.
Higher Education, v27 n4 p487-501 Jun 1994
ISSN: 0018-1560
Available From: UMI
Language: English
Research since 1980 on gender and learning styles of students over age 18 is
reviewed for commonalities in theory and research methodology. In addition, a
quantitative meta-analysis was undertaken on two measures of learning style and
study behavior to determine the direction and magnitude of gender differences
in various samples. (Author/MSE)
Descriptors: *Adult Learning; *Cognitive Style; Comparative Analysis; Females;
*Learning Strategies; Males; Postsecondary Education; *Sex Differences; *Study
EJ493142 FL524066
Cognitive Learning Styles: Does Awareness Help? A Review of Selected
Jones, Sabine
Language Awareness, v2 n4 p195-207 1993
ISSN: 0965-8416
Language: English
This article establishes the case for making students aware of their own
language learning styles, so that they may gain some control over their own
learning processes. The specific focus is on the cognitive styles of field
dependence and field independence, which are thought to be most relevant for
foreign language learning. (32 references) (MDM)
Descriptors: *Cognitive Style; Field Dependence Independence; Language
Attitudes; *Learning Processes; *Second Language Learning; *Student Attitudes;
Teacher Student Relationship; *Teaching Styles
EJ444015 CE523770
An Overview of Learning Style Models and Their Implications for Practice.
Freeman, Michael K.; Whitson, Donna L.
Journal of Adult Education, v20 n2 p11-18 Spr 1992
Available from Mountain Plains Adult Education Association, Ricks College,
103 Auxiliary Services Bldg., Rexburg, ID 83460-8011.
Language: English
Reviews models of learning style, cognitive style, and thinking style and
makes recommendations: (1) style preferences are not unchangeable; (2) style
refers to learner actions not ability; (3) learning should be considered
broader than cognitive achievement; and (4) teachers should adopt a bilateral
approach to influencing student actions. (SK)
Descriptors: Adult Education; Adult Educators; *Cognitive Style; *Models;
Stimuli; *Teacher Behavior; *Teacher Student Relationship; *Thinking Skills
ED360088 PS021614
An Analysis of Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligence.
Morgan, Harry
41p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Educational
Research Association (1992).
EDRS Price - MF01/PC02 Plus Postage.
Language: English
The theory of multiple intelligence (MI) propounded by Gardner and Hatch
suggests that human beings have seven distinct units of intellectual
functioning, and that these units are actually separate intelligences with
their own observable and measurable abilities. These intelligences were
identified as logical-mathematical, linguistic, musical, spatial, bodily-
kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. These units, however, bear
striking resemblance to cognitive style constructs and intelligence quotient
factors identified by others in unified theories of intelligence. In fact, MI
theory merely adapts factors identified as primary abilities in factor analyses
of data derived from intelligence tests and relabels them as intelligences. A
review of the literature on cognitive styles shows numerous compatibilities
between styles of cognition and the MI intelligences. For example, the logical-
mathematical intelligence is applied to individuals who are sensitive to
logical or numerical patterns and have the ability to handle long chains of
reasoning, and whose ideal career is as scientists or mathematicians. These
characteristics are compatible with the cognitive style identified as field-
independent, and also with numerical ability, one of the factors identified by
intelligence factor analysis. While single factor constructs of intelligence
have certainly been invalidated by current research, the label of separate
intelligences for aspects of cognition does not appear to be warranted.
Critiques of each of the seven MI intelligences and 97 references are included.
Descriptors: *Cognitive Development; Cognitive Processes; *Cognitive Style;
Criticism; *Epistemology; *Factor Analysis; Field Dependence Independence;
Intelligence Quotient; Literature Reviews; *Psychological Characteristics;
Identifiers: Gardner (Howard); *Multiple Intelligences
ED340506 PS020237
Learning Styles. What Research Says to the Teacher Series.
Reiff, Judith C.
ISBN: 8106-1092-2
Available From: NEA Professional Library, P.O. Box 509, West Haven, CT 06516
(Stock No. 1092-2-00, $3.95).
EDRS Price - MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS.
Language: English
Target Audience: Practitioners
This monograph reviews several approaches for describing learning styles and
the instructional implications of an emphasis on learning styles for teachers.
Several reasons for the importance of understanding individual learning styles
are provided; such understanding leads to: (1) reduction of teacher and student
frustration; (2) higher student achievement and an improved self-concept; (3)
accommodation of a variety of learners in a classroom; (4) the versatility that
is crucial to learning; and (5) improved communication with administrators,
parents, counselors, and other staff. Cognitive, affective, and physiological
learning styles are considered. Approaches for describing cognitive styles
include brain theories, conceptual tempo, field dependence/field independence,
mind styles, modalities, and multiple intelligences. Approaches for describing
affective styles include conceptual systems theory and psychological types.
Finally, approaches for describing physiological styles revolve around elements
of learning styles which have been classified into four kinds of stimuli:
environmental, emotional, sociological, and physical. Six approaches for
incorporating instruction that takes learning styles into account in the
classroom are provided. They are: (1) pedagogical intelligence; (2) Carol
Hall's Living Classroom; (3) whole language; (4) Foxfire activities; (5) the
4MAT System; and (6) the DICSIE (Describe, Interact, Control, Select, Instruct,
Evaluate) Model. It is concluded that teachers pass through several stages in
their understanding of children's learning styles, and it is emphasized that
administrative support, staff development, peer coaching, parent education, and
personal determination and commitment are crucial in a positive learning
styles classroom. A bibliography of 172 references is appended. (GLR)
Descriptors: *Academic Achievement; *Cognitive Style; Elementary Secondary
Education; High Risk Students; *Individual Differences; Learning Modalities;
*Self Concept; Self Esteem; Teacher Behavior; *Teaching Methods; Teaching
Styles; Whole Language Approach
Identifiers: 4Mat System; DICSIE Model; *Flexibility (Teacher); Foxfire;
Frustration; Living Classroom (Hall); Pedagogical Intelligence
EJ449303 SO523433
Cognitive Styles--An Overview and Integration.
Riding, Richard; Cheema, Indra
Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational
Psychology, v11 n3-4 p193-215 1991
ISSN: 0144-3410
Language: English
Target Audience: Teachers; Researchers; Practitioners
Discusses research on cognitive styles and strategies. Groups labels into
two principle styles. Describes the wholist-analytic style, examining whether
an individual tends to process information in wholes or parts, and the
verbalizer-imager style considering whether an individual is inclined to
represent information during thinking verbally or in images. (DK)
Descriptors: Cognitive Psychology; *Cognitive Style; Field Dependence
Independence; Higher Education; *Individual Characteristics; *Learning
Strategies; Memory; *Nonverbal Learning; Problem Solving; Psychological Studies;
*Verbal Learning
Identifiers: Myers Briggs Type Indicator; Verbal Imagery Style; Visual
Imagery; Wholist Analytic Style
EJ443702 SO523100
Square Pegs: Learning Styles of At-Risk Students.
Hanson, J. Robert; And Others
Music Educators Journal, v78 n3 p30-35 Nov 1991
ISSN: 0027-4321
Available From: UMI
Language: English
Target Audience: Teachers; Practitioners
States that students who succeed tend to be thinkers rather than feelers.
Discusses how teachers can discover their own learning styles and develop an
approach that reaches every learner. Suggests that music educators' teaching
styles tend to mirror the learning styles of at-risk students and are missing
from the remainder of the curriculum. (DK)
Descriptors: *Cognitive Style; Elementary Secondary Education; *High Risk
Students; *Intuition; Learning Strategies; *Music Education; Personality Traits;
*Teacher Student Relationship; *Teaching Styles
Identifiers: Jung (Carl G); *Learning Patterns
ED355634 EA024733
Learning Style: Cognitive and Thinking Skills. Instructional Leadership
Keefe, James W.
Available From: National Association of Secondary School Principals, 1904
Association Drive, Reston, VA 22091.
EDRS Price - MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS.
Language: English
Target Audience: Policymakers
Learning style is the foundation of successful teaching and teaching for
thinking. The recent conceptualization of the brain as a complex system for
processing and storing information can be meaningful to educators. Too many
schools, however, rely on a rather mechanistic approach to learning. Future
school administrators must be taught to understand information processing as a
part of learning. Most early research into learning style was too preoccupied
with finding the one perceptual mode that would best increase learning or
retention. In 1937, however, Allport coined the term "cognitive style," and
research in this area expanded greatly after World War II. In the 1950s the
term "learning style" began to be used in discussing the dynamics of groups at
work, and current efforts to explain the underlying processes of learning
reflect three lines of research, the first emphasizing the cognitive style; the
second stressing students self-perceptions; and the third resting heavily on
personality theory. In 1979, the National Association of Secondary School
Principals (NASSP) helped establish the National Learning Styles Network to
study developing learning styles research. The Network proposed that all
information must pass through an individual's information processing system to
be learned, retained, and recalled. The Task Force adopted a research model in
which learning style encompasses cognitive, affective, and
physiological/environmental dimensions. The NASSP also developed the Learning
Style Profile (LSP) designed to give teachers an easy way to determine
learning styles in middle level and senior high school students. The LSP
diagnoses student's cognitive styles, perceptual response tendencies, and
study/instructional preferences. As a first-level diagnostic, the LSP can be
used to create individual student profiles or group profiles that are useful in
creating learning style-based instruction. Sample questions from the LSP are
included. Contains 26 references. (JPT)
Descriptors: *Administrator Education; *Cognitive Processes; *Cognitive Style;
High School Students; Instructional Leadership; Junior High School Students;
*Learning Modalities; *Learning Strategies; Middle Schools; Secondary Education
Identifiers: *Learning Style Profile (NASSP)
ED342099 EA023702
Learning Styles: Putting Research and Common Sense into Practice.
ISBN: 0-87652-169-3
Available From: American Association of School Administrators, 1801 North
Moore Street, Arlington, VA 22209.
EDRS Price - MF01/PC03 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Target Audience: Policymakers; Administrators; Teachers; Practitioners
The instructional techniques currently in use in many classrooms across the
country were developed to teach children the "basics" and to instill good
working habits adaptable to the industrial age. Although the term "learning
style" first appeared in research literature in the 1950s, it did not burst
upon the education scene significantly until the 1970s. Recently, educators
and researchers have combined their increasing interest in the nature and uses
of intelligence with scientific knowledge about how the brain works. In
addition, there have been numerous cumulative studies on the effects of
cultural, social, and physical contexts on learning. The result is a much
wider base for understanding how children learn. This booklet discusses the
movement from a focus on physical, observable behavior (external) to
cognitive/affective factors (internal). The document discusses several
theories about learning styles, all of which focus on the student's individual
characteristics and ways in which they process information. Common problems in
assessing the learning styles of students are addressed, as well as the most
common assessment programs (Reading Style Inventory, NASSP Learning Style
Profile, and the 4MAT System). The last chapter answers questions educators
may have about how to incorporate learning styles into their classrooms and
discusses the best climate for style-based learning. (43 references) (LAP)
Descriptors: *Cognitive Style; Curriculum Development; *Curriculum Evaluation;
Elementary Secondary Education; Learning Strategies; *Student Evaluation
EJ418256 EC232007
Comparison of Eleven Major Learning Styles Models: Variables, Appropriate
Populations, Validity of Instrumentation, and Research behind Them.
De Bello, Thomas C.
Journal of Reading, Writing, and Learning Disabilities International, v6 n3
p203-22 Jul-Sep 1990
Theme Issue: Learning Styles-Based Instruction.
Language: English
The paper presents an overview of 11 major models of individual learning
styles comparing their elements, the populations for which they are
appropriate, the reliability and validity of their instrumentation, and where
they overlap and differ. (Author/DB)
Descriptors: *Cognitive Style; *Elementary Secondary Education; *Individual
Differences; Models; Research and Development; Test Reliability; Test Validity;
*Theories; Theory Practice Relationship
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