ERIC Documents Database Citations & Abstracts for Block Scheduling
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EJ560956 EA534439
Anatomy of an Educational Failure.
Lonardi, Emilie M.
School Administrator, v55 n3 p28-31 Mar 1998
ISSN: 0036-6439
An administrative team member/restructuring facilitator analyzes
the failure of a block scheduling reform in a small, suburban
district. The prevailing dynamics that obstructed success were fear
of change, propagandizing of data, and a culture of complacency.
These problems could have been avoided by training staff to work in
longer periods, marketing new ideas to the community, and developing
a collaborative work culture. (MLH)
Descriptors: *Block Scheduling; *Central Office Administrators;
*Change Strategies; *Failure; High Schools; Program Implementation;
*Resistance to Change; Suburban Schools; *Teacher Attitudes; Work
EJ560937 EA534402
Breaking Away from Tradition: The Farmington High School
Restructuring Experience.
Hackman, Donald G.; Waters, David L.
NASSP Bulletin, v82 n596 p83-92 Mar 1998
ISSN: 0192-6365
After nearly two years' experience with the interdisciplinary
studies program, career pathways, and alternating-day 10-block
schedule, the Farmington (Missouri) High School faculty is pleased
with their progress. Student and teacher surveys indicate an ongoing
need for improvements to meet all students' learning needs. This
schedule is not for every school. Teachers need extensive staff
development and common planning times. (MLH)
Descriptors: *Block Scheduling; High Schools; *Interdisciplinary
Approach; Planning; Program Effectiveness; Staff Development
EJ560933 EA534398
High Failure Rates in Required Mathematics Courses: Can a Modified
Block Schedule Be Part of the Cure? A "Bulletin" Special.
Rettig, Michael D.; Canady, Robert Lynn
NASSP Bulletin, v82 n596 p56-65 Mar 1998
ISSN: 0192-6365
To allow variable amounts of time for students to complete Algebra
I, a gateway course, schools must address four issues: curriculum,
instructional methods, assessment, and scheduling. The Algebra I
curriculum should be divided into four parts; assessments should be
designed to measure students' mastery of each part. Also, a two-
period block of time (90 minutes) should be allocated within the
school schedule. (MLH)
Descriptors: *Algebra; Block Scheduling; *Failure; High Schools;
*Mathematics Achievement; *Student Needs; *Time Factors (Learning)
EJ560857 EA534246
The Trouble with Block.
Howard, Elizabeth
American School Board Journal, v185 n1 p35-36 Jan 1998
ISSN: 0003-0953
Describes the pitfalls of block scheduling and outlines questions
to consider before implementing a block plan. (LMI)
Descriptors: *Block Scheduling; *Educational Planning; Elementary
Secondary Education; *Instructional Effectiveness; Outcomes of
Education; *Time Blocks; *Time Factors (Learning)
EJ560856 EA534245
Learning on the Block. Research.
Black, Susan
American School Board Journal, v185 n1 p32-34 Jan 1998
ISSN: 0003-0953
Describes the ways in which block scheduling can decrease school-
day interruptions, reduce discipline problems, and help students who
need more time and a slower pace. Also describes block schedules'
effects on students and teachers. Sidebars offer guidelines for
block scheduling and selected references. (LMI)
Descriptors: *Block Scheduling; Elementary Secondary Education;
Flexible Scheduling; *School Restructuring; *School Schedules; *Time
Blocks; *Time Factors (Learning)
ED420106 EA029077
Block Scheduling: Does It Make a Difference? A High School Case
McCoy, Mary Helen S.
25p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southwest
Educational Research Association (Houston, TX, January 23-25, 1998).
To offer insights into scheduling strategies, this paper presents
the effects of block scheduling in one rural public secondary school.
This case study revolves around three questions: (1) "What prompted
the school's move to block scheduling?"; (2) "How was block
scheduling implemented?"; and (3) "How has block scheduling affected
perceptions of school climate, academics/instruction, and
time/materials management for students, teachers, administrators, and
guidance personnel?" Interviews were conducted at the school with
students, teachers, and administrative/counseling personnel. Results
revealed several themes: block scheduling helped students feel more
empowered about learning, and teachers reported more empowerment in
their instructional role. More assigned homework was being
completed, and teachers indicated satisfaction about the demands on
their time. Findings indicate that block scheduling basically
benefited all students equally, regardless of ability level, attitude
toward school, and degree of school success. Students' tardiness
decreased and their management of books, materials, and schoolwork
improved. The report suggests that supports--materials and supplies--
must be provided for the ongoing success of block scheduling.
(Contains 13 references.) (RJM)
Descriptors: *Block Scheduling; Educational Environment; Flexible
Scheduling; *High Schools; Program Effectiveness; Program Evaluation;
*Public Schools; *Rural Schools; Time Factors (Learning)
ED418492 EA028993
Intensive Scheduling: Restructuring America's Secondary Schools
through Time Management.
Hottenstein, David S.
ISBN: 0-8039-6654-7
Available From: Corwin Press, Inc., 2455 Teller Road, Thousand
Oaks, CA 91320-2218 (cloth: ISBN-0-8039-6653-9, $43.95; paper: ISBN-0-
8039-6654-7, $18.95).
Document Type: BOOK (010); PROJECT DESCRIPTION (141)
Target Audience: Practitioners
Some of the difficult questions surrounding intensive scheduling,
along with examples of successful applications of this approach, are
described in this document. This book offers a blueprint from a
practitioner's perspective and is intended for educators and lay
people interested in improving secondary schools. Chapter 1
demonstrates how to manage change successfully from theory to
practice. Chapter 2 analyzes the Hatboro-Horsham case study and
explores why block scheduling has become so controversial. Chapter 3
suggests ways to train teachers to teach in a longer block of time
and advice is given on instructional strategies, classroom
management, curriculum pacing, and assessment. Chapter 4 examines
the implementation of instructional strategies. Chapter 5 looks at
how intensive scheduling will affect curriculum development and
technology utilization. Chapter 6 analyzes program evaluation and
its importance in the process. (Includes an index, a case study
appendix, and three references.) (RJM)
Descriptors: *Block Scheduling; Curriculum Design; Educational
Change; *Educational Innovation; *Flexible Scheduling; Models; School
Restructuring; Secondary Education; *Secondary Schools; Time Factors
Identifiers: *Intensive Scheduling
EJ556866 EA534189
Parallel Block Scheduling Spells Success.
Delany, Marcia; Toburen, Laura; Hooton, Becky; Dozier, Ann
Educational Leadership, v55 n4 p61-63 Dec-Jan 1997-
ISSN: 0013-1784
Distressed by their students' reading failure rate, teachers at two
Georgia schools developed a parallel block-scheduling plan that
allows for whole-class instruction, direct-instruction miniclasses,
and enrichment labs for all students. Success depends on matching
creative, resourceful teachers to the enrichment lab positions. Over
the past two years, standardized reading and math test scores have
risen significantly. (MLH)
Descriptors: *Academic Achievement; *Block Scheduling; Elementary
Education; *Enrichment Activities; Program Descriptions; *Reading
Instruction; *Small Classes
Identifiers: *Wilkes County School District GA
ED415587 EA028868
Policy Briefing: Block Scheduling in Secondary Schools. PREL
Briefing Paper.
Dougherty, Barbara
Pacific Resources for Education and Learning, Honolulu, HI.
Sponsoring Agency: Office of Educational Research and Improvement
(ED), Washington, DC.
Document Type: POSITION PAPER (120)
Previous research has shown that by varying instructional time,
schools can better accommodate students' different rates of learning.
One method that schools use to meet this challenge is block
scheduling; different models which are described. The focus is on
the benefits and disadvantages of various models. One of the
benefits is block scheduling's ability to offer longer time periods
to implement group cooperative/collaborative learning, hands-on
activities, student projects, and integrated or interdisciplinary
activities. Some of the models include the 4 x 4 plan, which
features a two-semester school year where the school day is divided
into four instructional periods, each approximately 90 minutes long;
and the Alternate Day Plan, in which students take eight 90-minute
classes that meet every other day. Some other models are also
briefly described. Such plans allow teachers to extend explorations
and put teachers in daily contact with fewer students. However, some
research indicates that student achievement may not be sustained with
block scheduling and the amount of subject area content may actually
decrease. The report concludes with suggestions for implementing
block scheduling, such as informing all stakeholders and creating
evaluation strategies. (Contains 10 References.) (RJM)
Descriptors: Adolescents; Alternate Day Schedules; *Block
Scheduling; Educational Strategies; *Flexible Scheduling; Models;
Program Descriptions; *School Schedules; Secondary Education; Student
Needs; Time Blocks; *Time Factors (Learning)
Identifiers: 4 X 4 Schedule
EJ559390 CS754878
Alternative Scheduling: An Overview.
Clemons, Molly J.
Communication: Journalism Education Today, v31 n2 p2-4 Win
ISSN: 0010-3535
Discusses rescheduling and restructuring underway in secondary
schools across the United States. Discusses five different
approaches to alternative scheduling, focusing on two different types
of the block schedule--a four-block or an eight-block style. Focuses
on the effect of each on journalism classes. Discusses
accommodations that need to be made and the need for good public
relations. (SR)
Descriptors: *Block Scheduling; Educational Change; Educational
Trends; *Journalism Education; Secondary Education; Time Factors
EJ555441 EA534109
An Objective Look at Math Outcomes Based on New Research into Block
Wronkovich, Michael; Hess, Caryl A.; Robinson, James E.
NASSP Bulletin, v81 n593 p32-41 Dec 1997
ISSN: 0192-6365
A study examining performance differences on the Ohio Colleges
Early Math Placement Test of students receiving algebra and geometry
instruction in a traditional, year-long structure versus students in
an intensified block structure found the traditional structure more
effective. Using block scheduling for all courses and students is
unwise. Some will need advanced courses; others cannot easily digest
accelerated math and science material. (26 references) (MLH)
Descriptors: *Algebra; *Block Scheduling; *Geometry; High Schools;
*Mathematics Achievement; Predictor Variables; Program Effectiveness;
Suburban Schools; *Test Results
EJ544325 EA533414
Collaboration for Instructional Improvement: Analyzing the Academic
Impact of a Block Scheduling Plan.
Skrobarcek, Sharon A.; And Others
NASSP Bulletin, v81 n589 p104-11 May 1997
ISSN: 0192-6365
Describes a study that examined block scheduling's effects on
student and teacher performance and attitudes at a large Texas high
school. While the 2-hour Algebra I block had a higher failure rate
than the traditional 50-minute algebra class, the block classes were
comprised of students who have traditionally struggled in mathematics.
Maximizing use of block time should help. (20 references)
Descriptors: *Academic Achievement; *Algebra; Attendance;
*Educational Benefits; High Schools; *Influences; *Instructional
Improvement; Interviews; Staff Development; Student Attitudes;
Teacher Attitudes; *Time Management
Identifiers: *Texas
EJ547291 EA533547
The Copernican Plan and Year-Round Education.
Gee, William D.
Phi Delta Kappan, v78 n10 p793-96 Jun 1997
ISSN: 0031-7217
Combining the Copernican Plan (a block-schedule variation) and year-
round schooling may make both proposals more palatable to the general
public. Since the plan leaves facilities, teacher contracts, and
current budgets virtually unchanged, serious public resistance is
unlikely. Principals should first introduce Copernican scheduling
and then use the plan's success to initiate the "45/15 plan" (year-
round rotation of 45 in-class days/15 vacation days). (10
references) (MLH)
Descriptors: *Block Scheduling; *Educational Benefits; *Pilot
Projects; Secondary Education; *Year Round Schools
Identifiers: *Copernican Plan
EJ544318 EA533407
Block Scheduling the High School: The Effects on Achievement,
Behavior, and Student-Teacher Relationships.
Eineder, Dale V.; Bishop, Harold L.
NASSP Bulletin, v81 n589 p45-54 May 1997
ISSN: 0192-6365
An Ohio high school staff's action-research project examined
effects of a recently implemented block-scheduling arrangement on
student achievement, behavior, and student-teacher relations.
Results support other research: students earned higher grade point
averages, more students attained the honor roll, disciplinary
referrals were reduced, teacher-student relations were improved, and
teachers and students preferred block scheduling. (26 references)
Descriptors: *Academic Achievement; Action Research; *Block
Scheduling; *Educational Benefits; High Schools; *Influences; Program
Effectiveness; Program Evaluation; Rural Schools; *Student Behavior;
Surveys; *Teacher Student Relationship
Identifiers: *Ohio (Southeast)
EJ544271 EA533324
The Road We Traveled: Scheduling in the 4 X 4 Block.
Queen, J. Allen; And Others
NASSP Bulletin, v81 n588 p88-99 Apr 1997
ISSN: 0192-6365
An evaluation of the 4 X 4 block schedule used in three North
Carolina high schools elicited strong support from teachers,
students, and parents. Schools planning to implement this model
should review D. G. Hackman's guidelines covering faculty input,
feedback procedures, training opportunities, teacher fatigue,
holidays, classroom monitoring, modified course offerings, and
adjusted graduation requirements. (MLH)
Descriptors: *Block Scheduling; Guidelines; High Schools; *Parent
Attitudes; Program Descriptions; *Program Evaluation; *Student
Reaction; *Teacher Response; *Time Blocks
Identifiers: *Lincoln County School District NC
EJ544265 EA533318
Success and the Four Block Schedule: Stakeholders Buy In
Fitzpatrick, James E.; Mowers, Mary
NASSP Bulletin, v81 n588 p51-56 Apr 1997
ISSN: 0192-6365
After two semesters of using the four-block schedule, a Wisconsin
high school experienced academic growth, improved grades and
discipline, reduced stress, and a more personalized school
environment. Interested schools should gain support, create a site-
level decision-making model, demonstrate the need for change, clearly
define restructuring focus, protect teachers' jobs, visit pioneering
schools, and keep stakeholders informed. (MLH)
Descriptors: *Block Scheduling; *Educational Benefits; *Educational
Environment; High Schools; *Participative Decision Making; *Program
EJ544260 EA533313
An Invitation to Innovation: Rethinking the High School Day.
Winn, Deanna D.; And Others
NASSP Bulletin, v81 n588 p10-18 Apr 1997
ISSN: 0192-6365
Describes a committee's efforts to revamp schedules to improve
their high school's elective course options, provide equitable
teacher-preparation time, and use instructional time productively.
From three viable schedules (a four-period block, alternating-day
schedule; a five-period trimester with a flexible period; and a
modified trimester plan built on the present schedule); the committee
chose the third, least disruptive, option. (MLH)
Descriptors: Alternate Day Schedules; *Block Scheduling; Committees;
Creativity; *Flexible Scheduling; High Schools; *Teacher Response;
*Time Blocks; *Time Management; *Trimester System
Identifiers: Learning Communities; *Utah
EJ544259 EA533312
Strategies for Teaching in a Block-of-Time Schedule.
Hackmann, Donald G.; Schmitt, Donna M.
NASSP Bulletin, v81 n588 p1-9 Apr 1997
ISSN: 0192-6365
Offers suggestions for developing creative instructional approaches
in time-blocked classes. Teachers should continuously engage
students in active learning, include group activities to encourage
student participation, incorporate activities addressing multiple
intelligences, use creative thinking activities, move outside the
classroom, employ authentic assessment methods, and share resources
and ideas with colleagues. (20 references) (MLH)
Descriptors: *Block Scheduling; *Cooperative Learning;
*Instructional Effectiveness; *Learning Activities; Secondary
Education; *Teaching Methods; *Time Blocks
Identifiers: Gardner (Howard); *Multiple Intelligences
EJ542604 EA533252
Evaluation of 4 X 4 Block Schedule.
Mutter, Davida W.; And Others
ERS Spectrum, v15 n1 p3-8 Win 1997
ISSN: 0740-7874
Describes 4 X 4 block scheduling and its advantages and
disadvantages. Examines block scheduling's effects on a Virginia
high school's students, teachers, and administration, based on school
data and survey results. Most participants preferred block
scheduling over the six-period schedule. Grades, attendance, and
discipline improved; students earned more credits and could retake
failed courses. Accommodating advanced placement and music classes
was problematic. (MLH)
Descriptors: Administrator Attitudes; *Block Scheduling;
*Educational Benefits; High Schools; Parent Attitudes; *Program
Effectiveness; *Student Attitudes; Surveys; *Teacher Attitudes
Identifiers: *Virginia (Chesapeake)
EJ540826 EA533141
What We Know about Block Scheduling and Its Effects on Math
Instruction, Part II.
Kramer, Steven L.
NASSP Bulletin, v81 n587 p69-82 Mar 1997
For Part I, see NASSP Bulletin; v81 n587 pp18-42 Feb 1997.
ISSN: 0192-6365
A study of British Columbia high schools found that block
scheduling can endanger mathematics achievement. Reduced math scores
were attributed to irregular planning time, little opportunity to
modify curriculum; and the provincial examination system. Longer
time blocks cannot succeed without adequate planning time, curricular
restructuring, and adequate administrative support. Scheduling extra
study periods has not worked well. (26 references) (MLH)
Descriptors: *Academic Achievement; *Block Scheduling; Foreign
Countries; High Schools; Homework; *Influences; Lecture Method;
*Mathematics Instruction; *Planning; Study Habits; *Test Results;
Time Management
Identifiers: *British Columbia; North Carolina
EJ540803 EA533090
Integrating the Curriculum with Parallel Block Scheduling.
Hopkins, Harriet J.; Canady, Robert Lynn
Principal, v76 n4 p28-31 Mar 1997
ISSN: 0271-6062
Although parallel block scheduling continues to benefit student
learning, it is challenged to meet the needs of new educational
programs, particularly whole language and interdisciplinary
instruction. Two illustrated blocks show how teachers can
effectively divide their time between whole-group and small-group
instruction and integrate science and math instruction and language
arts and social studies instruction. (MLH)
Descriptors: *Block Scheduling; *Educational Benefits; Elementary
Education; *Integrated Curriculum; *Interdisciplinary Approach;
*Whole Language Approach
EJ539067 EA533007
What We Know about Block Scheduling and Its Effects on Math
Instruction, Part I.
Kramer, Steven L.
NASSP Bulletin, v81 n586 p18-42 Feb 1997
ISSN: 0192-6365
Although research has confirmed block scheduling's nonacademic
benefits, effects on academic achievement are mixed. Teachers do not
always replace lecturing with more effective participatory teaching
methods. To work best under an intensive or alternating block
schedule, schools should adapt the math curriculum to reduce course
redundancy and cover fewer topics with more depth. (58 references)
Descriptors: *Academic Achievement; Algebra; *Block Scheduling;
Class Size; Definitions; High Schools; *Influences; Lecture Method;
Lesson Plans; *Mathematics Curriculum; *Mathematics Instruction;
*Program Effectiveness; Student Participation; Teacher Student
ED416570 EA028885
Block Scheduling at Portsmouth High School: A Status Report.
Lister, Robert J.
Portsmouth Public Schools, NH. 1997
Document Type: RESEARCH REPORT (143)
School officials have tried various scheduling strategies to
strengthen curriculums. One such strategy, block scheduling,
affected the operation of Portsmouth High School, in Portsmouth, New
Hampshire. This status report examines the use of block scheduling
over a 2.5 year period and focuses on how this change influenced
people, curriculum, test scores, and other areas of school life. It
is intended as a working document for the school's faculty and
administration as they develop a comprehensive evaluation after
several years with block scheduling. The report reviews the
literature and sketches a historical perspective about strategies
high schools use to prepare adolescents for the future. It is
intended to provide information, identify successes, make
recommendations for further study, and offer critiques of various
aspects of block scheduling. The report focuses on the history of
Portsmouth High School and how the process of change was introduced.
It examines implications of schedule changes for students and faculty
and lists implications of such scheduling for curriculum and
instructional methodologies. It offers an assessment of students and
block scheduling and provides feedback from students, faculty, and
parents. A summary of findings is included. (Contains 50
references.) (RJM)
Descriptors: Adolescents; *Block Scheduling; *Case Studies;
Children; Educational Improvement; *Educational Innovation;
Elementary Secondary Education; *Flexible Scheduling; *Program
Descriptions; Program Evaluation; School Schedules
Identifiers: *Portsmouth School Administrative Unit NH
ED415093 SE060954
The Effects of Varying Retention Intervals within a Block Schedule
on Knowledge Retention in Mathematics.
Shockey, Brenda P.
151p.; Doctoral Dissertation, University of Maryland, College Park.
Document Type: DISSERTATION (041); RESEARCH REPORT (143)
This study examined quantitatively the effects of varying retention
intervals (RI) within a 4 X 4 block schedule on knowledge retention
of Algebra 2 skills and concepts. Specifically, the study contrasted
the mean scores of students having an RI of 0, 8, and 12 months on a
pre-review, post-review, and end-of-course test in precalculus. The
study also examined qualitatively the instructional strategies used
by teachers to eliminate the effects of the retention interval for
all students beginning a new course of mathematics study. This study
was conducted in two suburban high schools with at least 4 years of
experience using a 4 X 4 block schedule. The sample for the
quantitative component included all students, honors and merit,
enrolled in precalculus. The sample for the qualitative component
included precalculus teachers in both high schools. Initially on the
pre-review test (multiple choice component), the mean score of
students with an RI of 0 months was significantly higher than that of
those with an RI of 8 or 12 months. Following a four-week review
period, there was a significant difference in mean scores between
students with an RI of zero months and 12 months. On the pre-review
and post-review (performance-based assessment) there was no
significant difference among the groups of students by RI. Notably,
by the end course in precalculus, a final test administered to all
three groups showed no significant difference among the students by
RI on either the multiple choice or the performance-based assessment.
In examining RI effects by different ability levels, there was no
significant difference in the mean scores for precalculus merit
students on the measure used as was also noted for all students
regardless of ability. The same was true for precalculus honors
students. Instructional strategies employed by teachers in reviewing
Algebra 2 skills and concepts were the same as those associated with
a traditional high school schedule. Contains 90 references.
Descriptors: *Algebra; *Block Scheduling; *Calculus; High Schools;
Mathematics Education; *Retention (Psychology); Teaching Methods;
Time Factors (Learning)
ED413680 EA028789
Alternative Schedules: Blocks to Success?
Matthews, L. Joseph
National Association of Secondary School Principals, Reston, VA.
NASSP Practitioner, v24 n1 p1-8 Oct 1997 1997
Available From: National Association of Secondary School
Principals, 1904 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1537; phone: 703-
860-0200; fax: 703-476-5432; World Wide Web: http://www.nassp.org ($2
for members; $3 for nonmembers; quantity discounts; payment must
accompany orders of $15 or less).
Document Type: SERIAL (022)
Target Audience: Administrators; Practitioners
Secondary school administrators must carefully consider the
ramifications of a proposed alternative scheduling plan before
proceeding with implementation. The first article in this newsletter
presents findings from a study that compared data from two groups of
schools (one group with a 4 X 4 block plan and the other with a
trimester plan) to data from a group of schools that followed a
traditional schedule. Six guidelines are offered for the successful
implementation of an alternative schedule: (1) involve all members of
the school community; (2) employ a researcher and/or program
evaluator; (3) do not become the defender of one kind of scheduling
plan; (4) keep communication open among all parties; (5) consider
extensive staff development on instructional strategies; and (6) be
creative and innovative. The second article describes the
experiences of two high schools that took steps to ensure a smooth
transition--Springfield Township High School, located in Erdenheim,
Pennsylvania (a 4 X 4 block plan) and Hononegah Community High
School, in Rockton, Illinois (a 7 X 1 extended period). Five figures
are included. (The first article contains 7 references). (LMI)
Descriptors: Alternate Day Schedules; *Block Scheduling; *Class
Organization; *Flexible Scheduling; High Schools; Program
Implementation; *School Organization; Secondary Education; *Time
Blocks; Trimester System
ED413679 EA028786
Block Scheduling: Pathways to Success.
Adams, Don C.; Salvaterra, Mary E.
ISBN: 1-56676-521-8
Available From: Technomic Publishing Company, Inc., 851 New Holland
Ave., Box 3535, Lancaster, PA 17604; phone: 717-291-5609; toll-free:
800-233-9936; fax: 717-295-4538; e-mail: marketing#064;techpub.com; World
Wide Web: http://www.techpub.com ($59.95).
Document Type: BOOK (010); NON-CLASSROOM MATERIAL (055)
Block scheduling and intensive or extended-time scheduling have
been appearing in high schools across the United States. This
guidebook is designed to help each school find the best route to
achieve this organizational change. The book's premise is that
structural change in schools is not sufficient to create meaningful
educational improvement. Change at the individual level must
accompany structural change. The guidebook draws on the authors'
experiences with 5 schools and 6 school districts, and represents the
concerns of 210 teachers. Chapter 1 relates several educational
advantages of intensive time scheduling. Chapter 2 revolves around
issues of preparing for the change to block scheduling and provides
examples of change management. Examples of leadership traits that
have either enhanced or obstructed the implementation of block
scheduling are provided in chapter 3. Chapter 4 suggests ways to
reduce polarization among members of the school community when block
scheduling is considered for adoption. Chapter 5 illustrates block
scheduling as a tool of time and responds to concerns of those
affected by block scheduling. Chapters 6 and 7 offer suggestions for
restructuring the curriculum and designing courses of study. Chapter
8 identifies teachers' common concerns related to specific
disciplines and provides examples of typical 90-minute classes.
Methods for evaluating the curriculum, teacher instruction, student
achievement, and student/teacher attitudes are described in chapter
9. Chapter 10 explores roadblocks to implementation, including
collective-bargaining agreements, resource allocation for staff
development, transfer students, substitute teachers, and myths.
Chapter 11 offers suggestions for enhancing block scheduling and
encourages teachers and administrators to continue the cycle of
planning and staff development. The appendix contains sample student-
, teacher-, and parent-attitude questionnaires. An index is included.
(Contains 19 references). (LMI)
Descriptors: *Block Scheduling; *Curriculum Design; Educational
Planning; High Schools; Instructional Effectiveness; Program
Evaluation; School Organization; *School Schedules; *Time Blocks
ED411337 UD031868
Alternative High School Scheduling. Student Achievement and
Behavior. Research Report.
Pisapia, John; Westfall, Amy Lynn
Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium, Richmond, VA.
38p.; For related reports, see UD 031 866 and 867.
Document Type: EVALUATIVE REPORT (142)
In 1995 the Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium (MERC),
Richmond (Virginia) commissioned a study of alternative high school
scheduling modules to determine the effects of different schedules on
teaching strategies, teacher and student satisfaction, and student
and school performance. This report presents results of an analysis
of student achievement and behavior data from 12 high schools, 3
inner city, 5 suburban, and 4 rural. Two traditional-day schedules
and four variations of block scheduling were compared. Teachers and
students in alternating and semester block schools reported that
learning is not watered down, but that it is different, with more
focus on concepts than facts, more depth, and more problem solving.
Students in semester block schedules experienced greater increases in
overall grade point average than those in alternating block schedules.
In general, verbal scores rose more in schools that switched to an
alternating or semester block schedule than mathematics. Increases
in Scholastic Aptitude Test scores were greater for students in
alternating block schedules than for students in semester block
schools, but after the first year, students in four of the seven
schools that switched to either type of block scheduling experienced
increases in verbal scores. In two of four alternating block
schools, student performance on advanced placement tests declined, as
it did in the two semester block schools. Overall, attendance was
not positively affected by the change, but in both alternating and
semester block schools, students reported that school was "calmer"
and teachers made fewer disciplinary referrals. (Contains 13 tables
and 15 references.) (SLD)
Descriptors: *Academic Achievement; Achievement Gains; Attendance;
*Behavior Patterns; *Block Scheduling; College Entrance Examinations;
Flexible Scheduling; *High School Students; High Schools; Inner City;
*Student Attitudes; *Teacher Attitudes; Teaching Methods; Test
Identifiers: Scholastic Assessment Tests
ED411336 UD031867
Alternative High School Scheduling. A View from the Student's Desk.
Research Report.
Pisapia, John; Westfall, Amy Lynn
Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium, Richmond, VA.
79p.; For related reports, see UD 031 866 and 868.
In 1995 the Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium (MERC),
Richmond (Virginia) commissioned a study of alternative high school
scheduling modules to determine the effects of different schedules on
teaching strategies, teacher and student satisfaction, and student
and school performance. This report presents the results of an
analysis of the survey administered to 2,430 students in 4 inner
city, 5 suburban, and 4 rural schools in 1995. Six types of
scheduling, two traditional and four variations of block schedules,
were studied. Students in everyday semester long block schedules
reported significantly more satisfaction with the number of courses
available to them than students in everyday short block schedules and
alternating long block schedules. Students in everyday long block
schedules also reported that their teachers used significantly more
group instruction than students in the other block schedules, and
observation suggested that use of group instruction increases as the
number of minutes in class increase. Students in everyday semester
long block schedules also reported that their teachers were more
likely to use portfolios. No significant findings were associated
with schedule type for homework, student-teacher relationships,
curriculum, and student satisfaction. Analysis did identify
differences that may or may not have been related to scheduling.
These differences are explored in the 10 appendixes that summarize
findings in terms of effects of schedule type on various dependent
variables and present a summary of some focus group interviews.
(Contains 4 tables, 13 references, and the student survey.) (SLD)
Descriptors: *Block Scheduling; Flexible Scheduling; *High School
Students; High Schools; Inner City; Rural Schools; Satisfaction;
*Student Attitudes; Suburban Schools; Surveys; *Teaching Methods;
Time Blocks; *Time Factors (Learning); Urban Schools
ED411335 UD031866
Alternative High School Scheduling. A View from the Teacher's Desk.
Research Report.
Pisapia, John; Westfall, Amy Lynn
Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium, Richmond, VA.
84p.; For related reports, see UD 031 867 and 868.
In 1995 the Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium (MERC),
Richmond (Virginia) commissioned a study of alternative high school
scheduling modules to determine the effects of different schedules on
teaching strategies, teacher and student satisfaction, and student
and school performance. This report presents the results of an
analysis of a survey administered to teachers in 1995. Six types of
traditional and block schedules were studied through the responses of
teachers from three inner city, five suburban, and four rural schools.
Findings indicate that teachers in everyday short block schedules use
significantly more whole class instruction than teachers in everyday
semester and alternating long block schedules. Teachers in
alternating and everyday semester long block schedules practice
significantly more in a team approach than teachers in everyday short
block schedules. Teachers in everyday long block schedules are
significantly more satisfied with student achievement as reflected in
their grades than are teachers in alternating long block and everyday
short block schools. Teachers in everyday semester block schools
report more than teachers in alternating and everyday short block
schedules that attendance is significantly better than three years
earlier. Teachers in everyday semester block schools and the
alternating day with a study block schedule rated their schedules
higher than other alternating block schedules, but the everyday
semester block schedules received the most favorable rating by its
teachers. Seven appendixes contain additional findings in areas such
as ability to cover the curriculum and use of particular teaching
methods. (Contains 7 tables, 12 references, and the teacher's
survey.) (SLD)
Descriptors: *Block Scheduling; Flexible Scheduling; High School
Students; *High Schools; Inner City; Rural Schools; *Secondary School
Teachers; Suburban Schools; Surveys; *Teacher Attitudes; *Teaching
Methods; Team Teaching; Time Blocks; Time Factors (Learning); Urban
ED410105 SE060468
Block Scheduling: Teaching Strategies for the Restructured School
National Science Teachers Association, Arlington, VA.
ISBN: 0-87355-163
Available From: National Science Teachers Association, 1840 Wilson
Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201; phone: 1-800-722-NSTA (NSTA Stock No.
Document Type: TEACHING GUIDE (052)
This book is a compilation of articles taken from the National
Science Teachers Association (NSTA) journal entitled "The Science
Teacher" that pertain to block scheduling and strategies for
effective science instruction within this framework. Articles
include "Blockbuster Ideas" (Judy Bohince and Ireve King), "Tackling
Block Scheduling" (Martha M. Day and others), "Blocking in Success"
(Sylvia L. Cooper), "Year-Round Science" (Marilyn J. Stenvall),
"Building Block Schedules" (Janet L. Gerking), "New Class on the
Block" (Terrilee Day), "A Lesson in Block Scheduling" (Robert Barnes
and others), and "Managing Each Minute" (Michael Clough and others).
Also included are a forward and an introduction that relate this new
approach to current goals and standards for science education. An
invited paper on block scheduling provides background information
about the process and its effects on teaching and learning (K. Doug
Kissler). (DDR)
Descriptors: *Block Scheduling; Educational Change; Educational
Innovation; *Educational Strategies; *Flexible Scheduling; Grouping
(Instructional Purposes); Science Activities; *Science Curriculum;
Secondary Education; Standards; Student Evaluation
ED403647 EA028191
A Study of the Block Scheduling Movement in Six High Schools in the
Upper Cumberland Region of Tennessee.
Fletcher, Richard K., Jr.
Jan 1997
43p.; Revision of paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Tennessee Academy of Science (Sewanee, TN, November 1996).
During the past 4 years block scheduling has been adopted by a
majority of the high schools in Middle Tennessee. This paper
presents findings of a study that explored the effects of the new
schedule. Data were gathered from a questionnaire that was completed
by 280 teachers and approximately 2,000 students from 6 high schools
in the region. Both students and faculty expressed satisfaction with
the block schedule and said that school climate had improved somewhat.
Female teachers and female students spent more time than male
teachers and male students in preparing for classes. Thirty percent
of the total sample reported that grades had improved, and 40 percent
reported an increase in paperwork. The new schedule appeared to have
no significant effect on attendance. Teachers generally agreed that
they would need to revise their teaching methods. Both groups
indicated that block scheduling provides students with the
opportunity for in-depth study of subject matter. However, this
might be possibly at the expense of covering more material. Five
tables and a copy of the questionnaire are included. (Contains 26
references.) (LMI)
Descriptors: *Block Scheduling; High Schools; Homework; Parent
Attitudes; *School Schedules; Student Attitudes; *Time Blocks; *Time
Factors (Learning); Working Hours
Identifiers: *Tennessee
EJ541055 EC615918
Parallel Block Scheduling: Accommodating Students' Diverse Needs in
Elementary Schools.
Snell, Martha E.; And Others
Journal of Early Intervention, v20 n3 p265-77 Sum 1996
ISSN: 1053-8151
Describes the use of parallel block scheduling (PBS) in inclusive
classrooms as a flexible method of scheduling that addresses student
grouping; time for teacher planning; and scheduling of subjects,
support services, and staff. The characteristics of PBS and an
elementary school that uses the system are highlighted. (Author/CR)
Descriptors: *Block Scheduling; *Disabilities; Elementary Education;
*Inclusive Schools; *Regular and Special Education Relationship;
School Schedules; *Time Blocks; Time Management
EJ534067 EA532711
The Effects of Block Scheduling on Student Performance.
Schroth, Gwen; Dixon, Jean
International Journal of Educational Reform, v5 n4 p472-76 Oct
ISSN: 1056-7879
Despite considerable documentation and implementation of block
scheduling, there is little evidence that it achieves an increase in
student understanding of subject material. Field research that
examined seventh-grade math achievement scores in block scheduled and
regular schools showed that none of the anticipated results were
realized regarding Texas Assessment of Academic Skills scores.
Alternative assessment methods may be necessary. (19 references)
Descriptors: *Block Scheduling; *Educational Change; Grade 7;
*Influences; *Mathematics Achievement; *Program Evaluation; Secondary
Education; *Test Results
Identifiers: *Texas
EJ532296 EA532502
The Trimester: A Competency Based Model of Block Scheduling.
Research Brief.
Geismar, Thomas J.; Pullease, Barbara G.
NASSP Bulletin, v80 n581 p95-105 Sep 1996
ISSN: 0192-6365
Compares achievement of students attending a large Florida high
school under a traditional schedule during 1993-94 and a trimester
block schedule during the following year. Passing grades have gone
up 3.7%. Regarding Scholastic Aptitude Test and American College
Testing results, there was no significant difference. Teachers,
students, parents, and community members prefer the trimester system.
Descriptors: *Block Scheduling; High Schools; Instructional
Improvement; *Program Implementation; Surveys; *Test Results; *Time
Management; *Trimester System
Identifiers: *Broward County Public Schools FL; *Competency Based
EJ530658 EA532550
All Around the Block: The Benefits and Challenges of a Non-
traditional School Schedule.
Rettig, Michael D.; Canady, Robert Lynn
School Administrator, v53 n8 p8-14 Sep 1996
ISSN: 0036-6439
Block schedules offer many advantages, including increased usable
instructional time, increased opportunities to use alternative
instructional strategies, and fewer homework assignments and class
changes for students. Challenges include maintaining student
attention, providing balanced schedules, retaining major concepts,
and accommodating advanced-placement and music classes. Models are
described. A list of resources is provided. (MLH)
Descriptors: *Advanced Placement; *Block Scheduling; *Educational
Benefits; *Graduation Requirements; High Schools; *Music; Program
Descriptions; *Program Implementation
EJ530037 SE556453
Tackling Block Scheduling: How to Make the Most of Longer Classes.
Day, Martha M.; And Others
Science Teacher, v63 n6 p25-27 Sep 1996
ISSN: 0036-8555
Document Type: TEACHING GUIDE (052); JOURNAL ARTICLE (080)
Discusses the training and preparation for the transition to block
scheduling. Provides a summary of some of the aspects of the four-by-
four block schedule and describes strategies employed to modify
instruction and curriculum. Includes two sample interdisciplinary
activities. (DDR)
Descriptors: Block Scheduling; *Educational Change; *Educational
Strategies; Flexible Scheduling; Interdisciplinary Approach; Science
Activities; Science Curriculum; Science Experiments; Secondary
Education; Student Projects; *Time Blocks
ED403644 EA028177
Block Scheduling in the Secondary Arena Part II: Perceptions from
the Inside.
Davis-Wiley, Patricia; Cozart, Angela
Nov 1996
18p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Mid-South
Educational Research Association (Tuscaloosa, AL, November 6-8,
1996). For Part I of this study, see ED 393 177.
The block schedule is fast becoming the new instructional delivery
format of choice for the 1990s in American secondary schools. This
paper presents findings of a study that examined the effects of
changing from a six-period day to a four-block schedule on two large
high schools in Knox County, Tennessee. Part I of the study examined
the perceptions of the two schools' administrators and teachers.
Part II surveyed 150 parents and 300 students at the two high schools.
In general, students reported moderate satisfaction with the block
schedule. The majority of students were ambivalent about returning
to the six-day schedule. Both parents and students expressed
concerns about the effects of learning in a fast-paced, abbreviated
period of time on long-term retention of content. Appendices contain
copies of the parent and student questionnaires. (Contains 21
references.) (LMI)
Descriptors: *Block Scheduling; *Curriculum Design; High Schools;
Parent Attitudes; Retention (Psychology); *School Schedules; Student
Attitudes; *Time Blocks; *Time Factors (Learning)
Identifiers: *Knox County Schools TN
ED400607 EA027997
Block Schedule: Breaking the Barriers.
West, Mike
24 Oct 1996
12p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for
Supervision and Curriculum Development (New Orleans, LA, March 16-19,
As of 1996, Chaparral High School in Las Vegas, Nevada, was in the
fourth year of a radical restructuring effort. The school changed
from a 6-period day, composed of 51-minute periods, to an alternating
day schedule, composed of 3 102-minute periods per day. This report
describes how the school developed and implemented the new schedule.
Faculty and administrators followed the six-step change process
recommended by Dr. Willard Daggett, of the Instructional Center for
Leadership in Education. The stages include: create an awareness;
base outcomes on adult roles and skills needed to compete in the job
market; identify the necessary skills, knowledge, and behaviors
needed for success; identify the negotiables and nonnegotiables;
develop a plan; and implement the reforms. The school also added
meaningful school-to-work courses, staff development, and multiple
methods of assessment. In a survey administered to students, staff,
and parents after the first year of the new schedule, 56 percent of
the students rated their experience in the new program as "going
great," while almost 70 percent of faculty rated their level of
support for the new program at 90 percent. Other outcomes attributed
to the new program include a calmer campus atmosphere, more positive
teacher-student relationships, a slight increase in some standardized
test scores, and a constant attendance rate. Five figures are
included. (LMI)
Descriptors: *Alternate Day Schedules; *Block Scheduling; Change
Strategies; Curriculum Development; Double Sessions; High Schools;
Instructional Improvement; Program Implementation; School Schedules;
*Time Blocks
Identifiers: Clark County School District NV
ED399673 EA027968
Block Scheduling in High Schools.
Irmsher, Karen
Oregon School Study Council, Eugene.
OSSC Bulletin, v39 n6 Jul 1996 Jul 1996
ISSN: 0095-6694
Available From: Oregon School Study Council, 1787 Agate Street,
College of Education 5207 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-5207
($8, nonmembers; $5.50, members; quantity discounts).
Document Type: SERIAL (022); REVIEW LITERATURE (070)
Block Scheduling has been considered a cure for a lengthy list of
educational problems. This report reviews the literature on block
schedules and describes some Oregon high schools that have integrated
block scheduling. Major disadvantages included resistance to change
and requirements that teachers change their teaching strategies.
There is evidence, however, that block scheduling leads to a more
relaxed school atmosphere, improved student attitudes, improved
student-teacher relationships, decreased dropout rates, decreased
absenteeism, a dramatic drop in disciplinary problems, and
accelerated student progress. Recommendations for successful change
include: (1) promote stakeholder ownership; (2) obtain support from
the school district and school board; (3) provide adequate time for
planning, staff-development opportunities, and collaborative problem
solving; (4) brainstorm creative alternatives; and (5) conduct
regular evaluation. Interviews were conducted with a total of 20
principals, assistant principals, administrators, and educators.
(Contains 32 references.) (LMI)
Descriptors: Alternate Day Schedules; *Block Scheduling; Class
Organization; *Flexible Scheduling; High Schools; *Resistance to
Change; *School Organization; *School Schedules; Time Blocks
Identifiers: *Oregon
ED387887 EA027081
The Effects of Block Scheduling on Seventh Grade Math Students.
Schroth, Gwen; Dixon, Jean
Sep 1995
Document Type: RESEARCH REPORT (143)
In an effort to spend time resources more wisely, many schools have
turned to block scheduling, in which classes are taught in longer
periods. The school year is adjusted by dividing it into 30-; 45-;
60-; or 90-day periods. This paper presents findings of a study that
investigated the effects of block scheduling on seventh-grade
mathematics students in two Texas middle schools. School 1 followed
a traditional 50-minute class schedule and school 2, in its first
year of block scheduling, higher achieving students used a 90-minute,
alternative-days schedule. Lower achieving students in school 2
attended math class for 90 minutes every day. Methodology included a
comparison of the two schools' Texas Assessment of Academic Skills
(TAAS) scores for 1994 and 1995. A practice TAAS test was also
administered to students during the first semester and again at the
year's end. Analysis of variance was used to determine the
differences in mean scores. The test scores of lower achieving
students who attended math classes more frequently and for longer
periods of time were not significantly higher than those of low-
achieving students in the traditional 50-minute, daily classes. The
study also suggests that uninterrupted class time did not guarantee
greater gains in achievement over interrupted time for higher
achieving students. Finally, block-scheduling success cannot be
adequately measured in 1 year. Other factors of student academic
achievement include teacher experience, tests and testing conditions,
instructional styles, and school climate. (Contains 15 references.)
Descriptors: *Academic Achievement; Analysis of Variance;
Hypothesis Testing; Intermediate Grades; Junior High Schools;
*Mathematics Achievement; *Mathematics Instruction; *School Schedules;
Scores; Standardized Tests; *Time Factors (Learning)
Identifiers: *Block Scheduling
ED387879 EA027070
Implementation of Block Scheduling in a Four-Year High School: A
Literary Review and a Handbook for Administrators, Teachers and
Scroggins, Gary V.; Karr-Kidwell, PJ
High schools today face problems of culturally diverse student
populations, diversity of student learning styles, and a growing
public perception that high schools do not adequately prepare their
graduates for either work or college. This paper offers an extensive
review of literature on block scheduling as well as a handbook for
gaining support for implementing block scheduling at a 4-year high
school. It provides tips for moving to a schedule of 90-minute block
classes that provide the time needed for student-centered
instruction, which is essential for meeting the needs of students in
today's global society. The handbook is comprised of six sections,
the first of which contains an annotated bibliography of five items--
a journal article and four Educational Resources Information Center
(ERIC) documents on block scheduling. Sections 2 through 5 present
strategies for building support among the teaching staff, students,
parents and community members, and the school board. A chronology of
steps and a timeline for block scheduling are provided in the sixth
section. (Contains 47 references.) (LMI)
Descriptors: Administrator Role; Cultural Differences; *Flexible
Scheduling; High Schools; Organizational Change; Productivity; Public
Relations; *School Restructuring; School Role; *School Schedules;
*School Support; *Time Blocks
Identifiers: *Block Scheduling
ED385504 SP036125
Intensive Education.
Fallon, Karin
Apr 1995
67p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Educational Research Association (San Francisco, CA, April 18-22,
This paper is a literature review of intensive education, or "macro
block-scheduling." Intensive education is a change in the structure
of secondary school organization. It involves organizing the
school's schedule for efficiency and effectiveness so students study
and teachers teach one subject for 30 days. Students stay with one
teacher 4 hours a day, and teachers teach just one 4-hour academic
class daily. Teachers and students work with one small group
intensively for 30 days, or 120 hours, the equivalent of a Carnegie
unit. This review focuses on the following relationships to
determine whether they are valid and accurate: (1) intensive
education reduces class size, lengthens class periods, and reduces
the number of subjects that students take and teachers teach daily;
(2) these changes in conditions facilitate the development of changes
in the following processes--interactions, teaching methods,
involvement with the subject matter, and teacher professionalism; and
(3) these processes, made possible by the conditions created, provide
opportunities for increases in academic achievement, better
relationships, better attendance, and increased satisfaction. The
literature appears to validate these relationships through the use of
intensive education in private high schools, public summer school
programs, block-scheduling in public high schools, and intensive
education in colleges. However, to date, the literature reveals no
study of intensive education in a public high school during the
regular school year. (Contains 28 references.) (ND)
Descriptors: Educational Environment; *Instructional Effectiveness;
Literature Reviews; *School Organization; *School Schedules;
Secondary Education; Teacher Effectiveness; *Time Blocks; *Time
Factors (Learning)
Identifiers: *Block Scheduling; *Intensive Scheduling
ED384652 TM023874
Evaluation of a High School Block Schedule Restructuring Program.
Guskey, Thomas R.; Kifer, Edward
Apr 1995
21p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Educational Research Association (San Francisco, CA, April 18-22,
This paper describes an interim evaluation of the Block Schedule
Restructuring Program at Governor Thomas Johnson High School in
Frederick, Maryland. The program began in the 1992-93 school year,
when the school changed from seven 48-minute class periods per day to
a block schedule format of four 90-minute class periods. Classes are
conducted on a semester basis, with each semester lasting 18 weeks
(90 instructional days). The evaluation is based on the first year
and a half of program implementation. Student performance on various
achievement tests and final course grades have not varied much, but
the scores of African American students on the Maryland Functional
Tests and scores on Advanced Placement Tests have markedly improved.
Student daily attendance and dropout have not changed, but there has
been a dramatic reduction in student behavior problems. Perceptions
of both students and faculty members regarding the block schedule
program are overwhelmingly positive, with nearly 70% of students and
95% of faculty indicating they prefer the new 4-period day. A few
procedural problems need to be addressed and additional staff
development is needed, but the program appears quite successful to
date. Nine tables present study findings. (Author/SLD)
Descriptors: Academic Achievement; Achievement Tests; Advanced
Placement Programs; Attendance; Behavior Problems; Black Students;
Dropouts; Evaluation Methods; *High Schools; Program Evaluation;
School Restructuring; *School Schedules; Staff Development; *Student
Attitudes; Teacher Attitudes; Test Results; *Time Factors (Learning)
Identifiers: *Block Scheduling; *Governor Thomas Johnson High
School MD
EJ514695 EA531286
Ten Guidelines for Implementing Block Scheduling.
Hackman, Donald G.
Educational Leadership, v53 n3 p24-27 Nov 1995
ISSN: 0013-1784
Collaborative school reform occurs when teachers, parents,
students, and administrators creatively design and implement a block
schedule. Planners should use a systems approach, secure superiors'
support, understand the change process, involve all stakeholders,
consult outside resources, brainstorm alternatives, examine budgetary
implications, plan faculty inservices, include an evaluation
component, and celebrate successes. (10 references) (MLH)
Descriptors: Brainstorming; Community Involvement; Elementary
Secondary Education; Guidelines; Parent Participation; *Program
Development; Program Implementation; *School Schedules; Student
Participation; *Systems Approach; *Teacher Participation; *Teamwork;
*Time Blocks
EJ513915 PS524115
Improving School Climate: Alternating-Day Block Schedule.
Hackmann, Donald G.
Schools in the Middle, v5 n1 p28-33 Sep 1995
ISSN: 0276-4482
(055); JOURNAL ARTICLE (080)
Examines the implementation of an alternating day schedule in
middle school. It is suggested that block scheduling provides an
effective instructional alternative to the traditional six- or seven-
period format, creating a relaxed atmosphere while decreasing stress
and improving attitudes of both students and teachers. Blocks
provide a gradual transition to a developmentally appropriate
environment for middle-school students. (AA)
Descriptors: *Alternate Day Schedules; Classroom Environment;
*Efficiency; Elementary Education; Middle Schools; Program
Descriptions; Program Implementation; *Scheduling; *School Schedules;
Teacher Student Relationship; *Time Blocks; Time Factors (Learning);
Time Management; Work Environment
Identifiers: *Alternate Day Programs; Middle School Students
EJ512729 SO526816
A Closer Look at Block Scheduling. Scheduling.
Hoffman, Elizabeth, Comp.
Teaching Music, v2 n5 p42-43 Apr 1995
Journal availability: Music Educators Natl. Conference, 1806 Robert
Fulton Dr., Reston, VA 22091-4348.
ISSN: 1069-7446
Target Audience: Teachers; Administrators; Practitioners
Maintains that many schools have changed to a form of block
scheduling. Describes and discusses the impact of several models of
block scheduling. Asserts that, when music educators understand the
consequences of various scheduling options, they can be more credible
participants in discussions of how best to schedule school time.
Descriptors: *Educational Environment; Educational Strategies;
*Music Education; *Music Teachers; *Scheduling; School Organization;
Secondary Education; Student Attitudes; Teaching Methods; *Time
Blocks; *Time Factors (Learning)
EJ505014 EA530707
Dover Renew 2000: Implementation of a Block Schedule.
Furman, Jan; McKenna, J. Bruce
ERS Spectrum, v13 n2 p29-36 Spr 1995
ISSN: 0740-7874
Describes an upstate New York high school's success at
restructuring its schedule according to a modified Copernican Plan.
The Dover Renew 2000 block schedule divides the school year into
trimesters; each term has two 120-minute periods and a shorter
interest block. This approach "dejuvenilizes" the high school and
allows more focused, uninterrupted learning time. (MLH)
Descriptors: High Schools; Pilot Projects; *Program Implementation;
*School Schedules; *Student Responsibility; Success; *Time Blocks;
*Time Management
Identifiers: Carnegie Unit; *Copernican Plan; *Dover Union Free
School District NY
EJ504995 EA530680
What Can We Expect to See in the Next Generation of Block
Shortt, Thomas L.; Thayer, Yvonne
NASSP Bulletin, v79 n571 p53-62 May 1995
ISSN: 0192-6365
Before attempting block scheduling reforms, some issues must be
addressed, including information retention, transfer students,
advanced placement offerings, electives, coordination of teacher and
student schedules, and cost effectiveness. There are problems
surrounding academic pacing, staff development needs, and time's
interaction with other factors such as climate, empowerment, and
governance. (MLH)
Descriptors: Advanced Placement; *Cost Effectiveness; *Educational
Change; Educational Environment; Governance; *Models; *School
Schedules; Secondary Education; Staff Development; *Time Blocks;
*Time Management
Identifiers: Academic Pacing; Empowerment
EJ504991 EA530676
Block Scheduling: A Means to Improve School Climate.
Buckman, Daniel C.; And Others
NASSP Bulletin, v79 n571 p9-18 May 1995
ISSN: 0192-6365
Describes how two Orlando, Florida, high schools enhanced student
success by implementing community-generated restructuring plans.
Block scheduling helped improve attendance and grade point averages.
Also, a survey of teachers and students disclosed school climate
gains in the areas of safety, success, involvement, commitment,
interpersonal competence, and satisfaction. (MLH)
Descriptors: *Educational Environment; High Schools; *Program
Implementation; *School Restructuring; *Strategic Planning; Student
Reaction; Teacher Response; *Time Blocks
Identifiers: *Orange County Public Schools FL
ED393177 EA027430
Block Scheduling in the Secondary Arena: Perceptions from the
Davis-Wiley, Patricia; And Others
Nov 1995
18p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Mid-South
Educational Research Association (Biloxi, MS, November 8-10, 1995).
Several studies have found that an inordinate amount of potential
instructional time is lost in the American secondary school classroom.
This paper briefly overviews the history and types of block
scheduling in secondary schools and presents findings of a study that
examined the perceptions of administrators and teachers in two large
eastern Tennessee high schools that implemented block scheduling.
The schools changed from a traditional six-period school day to a
four-block school day, in which students took four 90-minute classes
daily for 90 days. Data were gathered by a survey of 238 teachers
and 10 administrators, which yielded response rates of 86 and 60
percent, respectively. Interviews were also conducted with six
teachers and four administrators. Most of the teachers and all of
the administrators agreed that the staff was adequately prepared for
the transition; the staff required more preparation time; and the
staff used a wider variety of instructional delivery approaches.
Administrators and teachers did not want to abandon the four-by-four
block schedule and return to the traditional schedule. Two tables
and a copy of the questionnaire are included. (Contains 13
references.) (LMI)
Descriptors: Extended School Day; *Flexible Scheduling; High
Schools; Scheduling; *School Organization; *School Schedules; *Time
Identifiers: *Tennessee
ED387930 EA027130
Block Scheduling: A Catalyst for Change in High Schools.
Canady, Robert Lynn; Rettig, Michael D.
ISBN: 1-883001-14-5
Available From: Eye on Education, P.O. Box 3113, Princeton, NJ
Document Type: BOOK (010); NON-CLASSROOM MATERIAL (055)
This book presents detailed descriptions of alternative types of
block schedules and discusses their effects on teachers and students.
The book shows administrators how to organize their schools so that
time enhances instruction and fosters learning. Chapter 1 discusses
problems with the traditional high school schedule and chapter 2
provides information on alternate-day block schedules. Chapter 3
offers suggestions for implementing the 4/4 semester plan. More
intensive schedules, such as the quarter-on/quarter-off plan, the
trimester model, and the Copernican Plan, are described in chapter 4.
The fifth chapter describes varieties of instructional terms within
the 180-day school year. Models for blending scheduling models are
provided in the sixth chapter. Chapter 7 explains schedules that
extend teacher planning and professional-development opportunities.
Instructional strategies and tips for designing a staff-development
plan are discussed in chapter 8. Appendices contain an evaluation
matrix, a planning checklist for alternative scheduling for high
schools, and a list of achievement indicators for high-school
restructuring efforts. (Contains 172 references.) (LMI)
Descriptors: Alternate Day Schedules; Class Organization;
Educational Innovation; *Flexible Scheduling; *High Schools;
Instructional Design; Nontraditional Education; Quarter System;
School Organization; *School Schedules; Semester System; *Time Blocks;
Time Factors (Learning); Trimester System
ED406734 EA028299
Block Scheduling in North Carolina High Schools.
North Carolina State Dept. of Public Instruction, Raleigh. Div. of
Innovation and Development Services. Dec 1994
Document Type: EVALUATIVE REPORT (142)
Since 1989, North Carolina has implemented several statewide
initiatives to establish high expectations for all students. State
educators have also paid increasing attention to the flexible use of
time as a resource for expanding student learning. Block scheduling
is a reorganization of school time that is increasingly being adopted
by North Carolina public high schools. This report examines the
extent of block scheduling in North Carolina high schools, advantages
and disadvantages perceived by early implementers and students,
instructional practices used in block-scheduled high schools, and
policy issues. Data were derived from surveys, school site
interviews with administrators, focus-group interviews with teachers
and students at two high schools, and limited end-of-course test
scores. Findings show that implementation of block scheduling is
rapidly growing in North Carolina; teachers get more planning time;
direct teacher contact hours are reduced by 30 hours; students report
less homework; staff development and planning are vital to successful
implementation; and there is little effect on end-of-term test
performance. Most teachers and administrators identify the following
strong points: students can take more courses and electives and have
fewer classes to prepare for at one time, and teachers have more
planning time, can use class time more effectively, and have fewer
preparations. The weakest points, in the opinion of teachers and
administrators, appear to lie in the accommodation of transfer
students and the difficulty of students' recovering from absences.
Four figures and six tables are included. Appendices contain a list
of participating schools and their schedules, surveys, and an article
on the pros and cons of block scheduling. (Contains eight
references.) (LMI)
Descriptors: Academic Achievement; *Block Scheduling; Flexible
Scheduling; *High Schools; Program Implementation; *School Schedules;
*Statewide Planning; *Time Blocks; *Time Factors (Learning)
Identifiers: *North Carolina
EJ457305 EA527599
Parallel Block Scheduling: An Alternative Structure.
Canady, Robert Lynn; Reina, Joanne M.
Principal, v72 n3 p26-29 Jan 1993
ISSN: 0271-6062
A major organizational change is necessary to promote more
equitable and effective instructional grouping schemes in schools. A
palatable restructuring alternative that combines effective grouping
with the flexibility to meet each school's needs is parallel block
scheduling. This system capitalizes on teachers' strengths, promotes
greater mixing of students, and provides uninterrupted direct
instruction in critical subject areas. (six references) (MLH)
Descriptors: *Ability Grouping; Elementary Education; *School
Restructuring; *School Schedules; *Time Blocks
Identifiers: *Greene County Schools VA; Instructional Grouping
ED414626 EA028799
4-Block Scheduling: A Case Study of Data Analysis of One High
School After Two Years.
Snyder, Dave
14p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest
Educational Research Association (Chicago, IL, October 15-18, 1997).
This paper describes the 2-year outcomes of one high school's
implementation of an intensive 4-block schedule. The study at Angola
High School (Indiana) compared schoolwide grade-point averages
(GPAs), standardized test scores, attendance data, and disciplinary
records to school-baseline data from the 2 years prior to
implementation of the block schedule. A questionnaire was
administered to teachers and students before implementation of the
new schedule, 3 months into the schedule, at the end of the first
year, and at the end of the second year. Findings indicate
significant improvement in schoolwide GPAs for all except two
departments and improvement in semester exam grades. There was an
almost 8 percent increase in the percentage of students on the honor
roll; an increase in American College Testing Assessment scores, the
Indiana State Proficiency Exams, and Scholastic Aptitude Tests; and
improved attendance. Advanced Placement scores dropped slightly.
Students, faculty, and parents expressed a high level of satisfaction
with the new schedule. The data also suggest that extensive planning
for the schedule and aggressive staff training were instrumental in
achieving the improvements. (Contains 10 references and 20 figures.)
Descriptors: *Academic Achievement; Attendance; *Block Scheduling;
Discipline; Educational Quality; High Schools; Outcomes of Education;
*Performance; *School Schedules; Scores; Student Attitudes; Teacher
Attitudes; *Time Blocks
EJ402383 EA524120
Tracking the Middle Grades: National Patterns of Grouping for
Braddock, Jomills Henry, II
Phi Delta Kappan, v71 n6 p445-49 Feb 1990
To shed light on appropriate grouping practices for early
adolescents, this article presents current data on using between-
class grouping and regrouping in American schools serving this
population, based on the 1988 Johns Hopkins University middle school
survey. Findings show that learning opportunities in the middle
grades remain highly stratified. Includes 13 references. (MLH)
Descriptors: *Ability Grouping; *Educational Environment;
*Educational Trends; *Grouping (Instructional Purposes);
*Instructional Program Divisions; Junior High Schools; Scheduling;
*School Organization
Identifiers: *Block Scheduling
EJ402340 EA524072
Parallel Block Scheduling: A Better Way to Organize a School.
Canady, Robert Lynn
Principal, v69 n3 p34-36 Jan 1990
Genuine school reform demands the redistribution of staff, space,
and time within individual schools. Parallel block scheduling lets
each teacher work with smaller groups of students daily. Sample
scheduling and reading placements are provided. Includes 10
references. (MLH)
Descriptors: Elementary Education; Reading Instruction; *Scheduling;
*School Organization; *School Schedules; *Small Group Instruction;
*Teacher Distribution
Identifiers: *Block Scheduling
ED311003 SP030936
BLOCK Successful Alternative Format Addressing Learner Needs.
Munroe, Mary Jeanne
Feb 1989
8p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of
Teacher Educators (St. Louis, MO, February 18-22, 1989).
A description is given of the development and implementation of the
BLOCK Schedule Program, which provides an alternative format to the
traditional high school schedule and has a time frame similar to that
of a summer school schedule. The target population was high risk
students at the sophomore and junior levels. Students attend BLOCK
classes for 3 hours a day and complete a semester course in four and
one-half weeks. They earn a semester credit with that course and
move on to another block subject for the next four and one-half week
unit. The courses taught in the first semester included blocks in
English, algebra, biology, and physical-health education. This
report describes specific program features and the results from the
first year of operation. (JD)
Descriptors: *Flexible Scheduling; Grade 10; Grade 11; *High Risk
Students; High Schools; *Program Development; *Program Evaluation;
*Student Needs; *Time Blocks
Identifiers: Block Schedule Program
ED303891 EA020713
The Washington Core Model of Middle School Organization.
Burke, Alan M.
Nov 1988
26p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Middle
School Association (Denver, CO, November 9-12, 1988).
This paper outlines, explains, and illustrates the core block model
of scheduling, which allows students to spend more time with fewer
teachers and encourages greater teacher interaction and ownership in
the lives of their students. The core model has been used
effectively with advisory programs, drop schedules, and exploratory
blocks. It serves as an alternative to interdisciplinary teaming,
and provides a workable method for small schools to adopt many
researched-based middle level practices. Appended are 17 references
and an 11-item annotated bibliography on middle school effectiveness.
Descriptors: *Instructional Development; *Instructional
Effectiveness; *Instructional Improvement; *Instructional Innovation;
Junior High Schools; Middle Schools; *School Schedules; *Time Blocks
Identifiers: *Block Scheduling
ED291704 SP029925
Balancing High Quality Subject-Matter Instruction with Positive
Teacher-Student Relations in the Middle Grades: Effects of
Departmentalization, Tracking and Block Scheduling on Learning
Environments. Report No. 15.
McPartland, James M.
Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. Jun 1987
Sponsoring Agency: Office of Educational Research and Improvement
(ED), Washington, DC.
Document Type: RESEARCH REPORT (143)
This study tests the general hypothesis that there is no single
best way to organize a middle school to meet the variety of needs of
early adolescent students. Using data from a sample of 433 schools
in the Pennsylvania Educational Quality Assessment, it examines the
effects of self-contained classroom instruction and
departmentalization on two generally agreed-upon educational goals--
positive student-teacher relations and high quality subject-matter
instruction. The study finds self-contained classroom instruction
benefits student-teacher relations at a cost to high quality subject-
matter instruction, while departmentalization improves the quality of
instruction in specialized subject matter at a cost to student-
teacher relations. The same types of effects are proposed by analogy
for scheduling and grouping practices. (Author)
Descriptors: Ability Grouping; *Class Organization; Class Size;
*Departments; Instructional Improvement; *Middle Schools; Secondary
Education; *Self Contained Classrooms; Student Placement; *Teacher
Student Relationship; *Time Blocks; Track System (Education)
ED244711 JC840319
Summary of an Investigation into the Relative Effects on Student
Performance on a "Block" vs. a "Non-Block" Scheduled Developmental
Semester: Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design.
Baylis, Clifford A., Jr.
Allegheny County Community Coll., Monroeville, Pa. Boyce Campus.
15 Feb 1983
In fall 1980, a block scheduled developmental semester was offered
for the first time at the Boyce Campus of the Community College of
Allegheny County. The program was composed of three integrated
courses: "Man, Time, and Social Change," a social science elective;
"Basic Writing Techniques," a developmental English course; and
"College Reading and Study Skills," a social science elective. All
students in the block were registered for specifically designated
sections of each of the three courses. A study was conducted to
compare the academic performance of an experimental group of block-
scheduled students and a control group of non-block students. The
study utilized pre- and post-test measures of students' attitudes,
anxieties, and specific learning behaviors. Study findings, based on
comparisons of block and non-block students on the pre- and post-
tests and other measures of academic achievement, included the
following: (1) there were no statistically significant differences
between the groups on the pre-test results; (2) post-test scores
showed statistically significant advantages in attitudes, learning
behaviors, and learning anxiety for the block group over the non-
block group; (3) other indicators favoring the block students over
the non-block students included dropout rates (20% vs. 32.5%),
absentee rates (4.2% vs. 13.5%), and grade point averages (2.31 vs.
1.31). (HB)
Descriptors: *Academic Achievement; Community Colleges;
*Developmental Studies Programs; Grade Point Average; *School
Schedules; Two Year Colleges; *Two Year College Students
Identifiers: *Block Scheduling
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